Page 32 of Lost Love


Because I couldn’t.

“Mr. Andrews, so with Alfred’s retirement announcement next week and his son, Connor, replacing him, your model suggests the company’s share price will fall by twenty-two percent, is that correct?”

Gasps sounded around the table as each board member felt a little lighter in their already overweight pockets.

What did they expect?

Any announcement of such magnitude where a president of a global company steps down causes some temporary disarray.

“Well, I knew it would fall, but I didn’t realize the severity in which it would dip.” Alfred lowered the wireframes to the bridge of his nose, casting his rueful stare toward me.

“It will be temporary,” I said, picking the lint off my jacket. “I will restore confidence during the press conference.”

“It better be.” William, one of the oldest board members, looked at his fellow golfing buddies, who all nodded in agreement.

“You might have to hold off buying the Rolls till they shoot back up,” I couldn’t resist throwing that in.

“Tell my wife that,” William lamented, reaching for a Danish from the center of the table.

Fred rounded out a chuckle. “That wife is going to send you broke, Willy, regardless of the share price.”

Fred is probably the only guy on the board I’d call an ally. Years ago, when I cast shame over the family with my lewd pictures, he was the one who suggested Alfred keep me on. Then, when all the other board members voted against me, Fred voted to keep me on. Even after the email scandal to the board, he stuck his neck out for me.

God only knows why. Going against the majority wasn’t something any of these guys did. They all stuck together like the elite men they were—their wives, Manhattan socialites of the highest echelon.

I smiled, appreciating his kindness amongst the vast sea of sharks.

“Back to business.” The conversation shifted, and so did my focus.

I imagined delving between Pepper’s thighs, tasting her sweet nectar. It had been too fucking long, and although I had my regulars on speed dial, I’d been ignoring their calls since Pepper. There was a pull to Pepper that was unusually strong, and it took me by surprise, making me want to forget the others before her.

When everyone got to standing, I took it as my cue to get out of my head and do the same.

“It’s the end of an era, old man.” They all took turns shaking Alfred’s hand.

“Things won’t be the same here,” another board member added, tilting his head slightly in my direction to check I was listening.

Fuck them all.

“See you tomorrow at the charity ball, Connor.”

“Yes, looking forward to it,” I said to my one ally in the entire room of feeding bullnose sharks.

Fred shook my hand, clasping it tightly. “Don’t think twice about them,” he whispered.

Surprised by his strength, considering his age, I responded, “I don’t give a fuck, Fred.” My gaze shifted over his shoulder, where Alfred cast an eye over us.

“He’s looking, isn’t he?” Fred asked.

“Always.” I let out a low exhalation.

“Chin up. I feel good things are coming your way.”

“Here’s hoping.” I smiled. Letting go of his hand, I walked outside the boardroom, leaving the overweight cigar-smoking men to measure the size of their little dicks.

* * *