Fucking party pooper. I would’ve enjoyed a fight with the prick.

“Where did you learn how to fight?” I ask instead.

“Nowhere in particular. I’ve travelled a lot over the years and got in a few scrapes. I learnt how to protect myself, and picked up a few skills along the way.”

“Travelledwhereexactly?” Kate asks.

“Everywhere. I don’t stay in one place too long. This is the longest I’ve ever stuck around,” he says with a shrug like it’s no big deal, but I catch a flicker of something in his eye, pretty sure Kate does too given the way she uncrosses her legs, and shifts forward in her seat.

“Why’s that?”

“Why’s what?” he retorts, being facetious.

“Why don’t you stay in one place for long,” she repeats, not rising to the bait.

“Personal preference. I’m a wanderer by nature.”

“I see,” she replies.

“You don’t strike me as a sailor. Interesting lifestyle for a man with an East End accent,” I say, and for the first time since he stepped foot in this office, Malakai stiffens.

Fucking bingo.

He thought he’d hidden it well, and he has, but there’s that slight twang that he hasn’t quite rid himself of yet.

“I learnt how to sail when I was a kid,” he says, refusing to acknowledge my observation. “Always preferred my own company anyway.”

“Again, interesting lifestyle for an East End kid.”

“I grew up on an island off the coast of Kent, surrounded by water. Not so unusual there, my friend.”

“So you moved there from London?” I press.

“Itoldyou I grew up on an island off the coast of Kent.”

His response is a veiled warning not to dig any deeper. If he thinks I’m going to back off, he can think again. But for now I let that line of questioning go.

“And are you planning on moving along soon?” I ask, my fingers sliding over the gun holstered at my waist.

“The repairs on my boat are almost complete. I should be out of your hair in a few weeks,” he replies, clocking my not so subtle threat before looking at Kate. “So if there’s nothing else, I’d like my money now.”

“Okay, let’s cut the shit!” I say, pulling my gun free and aiming it at his head. He doesn’t even flinch, which only serves to piss me off more. “Why don’t you tell us both the real reason why you’re here, and then we’ll let Grim decide whether you live or die. How about that?”

“Well?” Kate says, folding her arms across her chest as she waits for an answer.

Malakai sighs, like we’re the ones with the issue and not him.

“I’m here to gather information and report back to the King.”