He doesn’t get far.
Harris’s blade slices through the air and embeds itself in his spinal cord at the base of his skull, killing him instantly. The rest of the punters in attendance shift backwards away from the carnage, falling silent, understanding that if they make one false move, they’re dead too. They don’t need to look up to know that the rest of Kate’s soldiers are watching from the metal walkway above us all, guns aimed and ready for her next order.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Fitzpatrick shouts, his flabby jowls wobbling as his eyes widen in disbelief and shock. “You crazy bitch!”
“Not crazy, and not abitch. Well, maybe a little,” Kate replies, lifting the gun off the back of my head and stepping to my side. “Stand up, Beast.”
I get to my feet, grinning at Fitzpatrick who looks like he’s about to have a coronary.
“I’ll fucking kill you myself!” he shouts, his finger pulling back the trigger. It clicks several times before he realises that the magazine is in fact empty.
“Surprise!” I goad, unable to help myself.
“No!” he shouts, pulling on the trigger as if the magazine will suddenly load with bullets and one will miraculously split my skull in two.
“You really didn’t think that I’d give you a loaded gun, did you?” Kate asks him, rolling her eyes.
He looks from the useless hunk of metal in his hand up to Kate. “What the fuck is this?!”
Kate smirks. “This is me setting the record straight,” she replies, then turns to the crowd and addresses them directly. “This ismyclub and tonight this man brought trouble to my door. You all know the rules of my club and Fitzpatrick fucking broke one trying to cause trouble with an accusation that isfalse.”
“Grim,” I warn under my breath, seeing where she’s going with this and not liking it.
She looks over her shoulder, glaring at me to shut the fuck up, and before I can stop her she squares her shoulders and says, “Beast is loyal. He’s a trusted soldier, and a good man, if a little unhinged.”
“Fucking cheek,” I reply, a smile in my voice. She winks at me then, and my heart does a fucking summersault. Man, wait until I get her alone.
Fitzpatrick laughs hysterically, annoying the shit out of me. “Then if it wasn’t him who the fuck was it?”
Kate sucks on her teeth, shooting a withering look at Fitzpatrick. “It wasme.I killed Carter.”
“What?!” Fitzpatrick splutters as the crowd begin to mutter under their breath. I cast a quick gaze out into the warehouse, expecting someone to kick off. No one does. Just as well, because they’d be dead too.
“You heard me,” she continues, raising her voice so the sound carries further. “I killed my dad because he betrayedme.”
“You’re a fucking liar! You’re protecting him,” Fitzpatrick accuses, pointing his pudgy finger at me. “You fucking whore!”
“Shut your goddamn mouth!” I snap, and in two paces I’ve got the dirty toad gripped by the throat and turning fucking puce. Grasping my wrists, he scrabbles on his tiptoes, struggling to break free, and when he gasps for breath I take the opportunity to grab his tongue and yank on it. “I’ll fucking rip your tongue out for insulting Grim. Have some motherfucking respect.”
“Put him down, Beast,” Kate says firmly. “I’vegot this.”
The protective part of me wants to ignore her order and rip this bastard’s tongue clean out of his head. The respectful part obeys her request. “You’re right, you do,” I reply, acknowledging her handle of the situation and dropping the fucker. He falls like a sack of potatoes to the canvas, coughing and spluttering.
“Let me say this again so everyone can be clear.Ikilled Carter Davidson. It was my right as his flesh and blood to end his life for betraying me. The dirty bastard did something tomethat is unforgivable, and he fucking paid for it,” she says into the crowd. “What’s more, there will be no retaliation. Not from the pigs and not from any of you motherfuckers in this warehouse. Anyone who tries to come for me or my business will be dealt with swiftly and permanently. No questions. Don’t forget I know where every single one of you live, fuck and eat daily. I know who your friends are, your enemies, and your loved ones. Fuck me over and find out exactly what I do to people who betray me. My father certainly found out the hard way.”
My eyes widen and I can’t help but grin at her ballsy attitude. Jesus fuck, I’m rock hard now. Just as well everyone’s too intent on watching Fitzpatrick squirm to notice my boner.
Turning her attention back to Fitzpatrick, Grim narrows her eyes, her voice dripping with anger as she speaks. “Tonight you came into my club seeking violence,” she says whilst pointing the gun at his dick. “Well now you’ve fucking got it. How’s that going for you, huh?”
“Wait! I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I thought your dad was a good man, an honourable man.”
“He wasn’t a good man. He was a liar, a fucking predator, and he hurt me. I did what I had to do. If you betray me, you die. I don’t give a fuck who you are. Friend, foe, blood or otherwise.”
“I understand. I apologise!” Fitzpatrick mumbles, shuffling back on his arse as she stalks him in her four inch stilettos, her shapely calves and long legs doing all sorts of things to my rapidly hardening cock. “Please don’t kill me. We can work this out.”
“You made a huge fucking mistake coming here tonight.”
“I’m s—sorry,” he stutters, his back hitting the cage wall as she stands over him. Fear strips him of his arrogance and turns him into a quivering crybaby. “It’s none of my business. I’ll keep my mouth shut. I swear on my kids’ lives.”