“Not here, in the cage. Let’s honour my father the right way, and send a message to the rest of the punters here, shall we?”

“It would be my pleasure,” the fat prick says, pushing the gun into my chest.

I glare at him, un-fucking concerned. “Do that again, fuckface and I’ll—”

“You’ll what?” he goads, daring me to come for him so he can fire a bullet in my chest here and now. “You’ll do fuck all because you ain’t got no one, family or otherwise, to back you up.”

I hack up some phlegm and spit it out at his feet. “And your family tree is a cactus, because everyone on it’s a prick.”

“Cleveland with me,” Kate orders, amusement dancing in her gaze that she quickly shuts down. “Dom, Harris, make sure Fitzpatrick’s friends have a glass of myfinestbourbon.” Then she’s shoving me on the shoulder. “Walk.”

I walk, mulling over why those men deserve any fucking bourbon, let alone her finest. Then it dawns on me, that phrase must be code foroff the cuntsor I’m not Roger-cut-your-heart-out Smith.

This woman. Fuck. Me.

Keeping my face neutral, or at least a little on the scowly side, I head towards the cage, keeping up the pretence. The whole way Fitzpatrick-cunt-waffle stabs me in the back with the butt of the gun every couple of steps. He’s pissing me the fuck off, but still I play the part.

Around us the punters part like the Red Sea, all of them watching this play out with interest. You’d think the fucking arseholes would’ve had enough bloodshed for one evening. Fat chance. These bastards thrive on violence.

“Get in the cage,” Grim orders.

I do as I’m told.

As soon as we’ve all piled in, Cleveland shuts the door to the cage, leaning against the exit. Then Fitzpatrick jerks his chin towards me. “Kneel.”

I flick my gaze to Kate. She gives the smallest hint of a smile then says, “You heard him.Kneel.”

I drop to my knees, ignoring the cunt with the gun pointed at my head and keep my gaze fixed firmly on the woman I love. She starts walking around the cage, addressing the crowd as she moves.

“Today Beast fought hard, reminding us all of his skills in the cage and earning his right to stand by my side as one of my soldiers, beating out stiff competition.”

The crowd murmurs, scenting blood, but not certain how to react given she’s just complimented meandI’m on my knees. Like me, they wait.

“However, Fitzpatrick here just brought something to my attention that needs resolving…permanently.”

Fitzpatrick laughs, the cunt’s finger tightening on the trigger. Can’t lie and say my heart rate didn’t just kick up a notch, but I have faith in my woman to ensure I don’t actually get shot in the head because, frankly, I need to spend the next month straight buried deep inside of her to make up for lost time and I ain’t willing to die tonight for no man, let alone this fucking toad.

Kate makes a full circle of the cage, stopping beside Cleveland and says something under her breath. He nods and she takes his gun, flicking off the safety. Then strides towards me and presses the butt of her gun into the back of my head, addressing the crowd once more.

“Beast here killed Carter. Isn’t that right, Fitzpatrick?”

“That’s right, Grim,” he agrees, his lip pulling up in a smirk.

The crowd draws in a collective breath, then I hear Fitzpatrick’s men chanting from the other side of the warehouse. “Kill the cunt! Kill the cunt! Kill the cunt!”

“Before I pull the trigger,” Kate says, her voice projecting around the warehouse thanks to the high ceilings and her need to be heard. “I want everyone to raise a glass to the man who told me thetruth. To you andonlyyou, I owe my loyalty, respect and appreciation. CHEERS!”

Fitzpatrick smiles, baring his yellowed teeth, but that smile drops a second later as four gunshots ring out around the warehouse in quick succession.





Dom takes out two of Fitzpatrick’s men whilst Loretta kills two more. Blood and brain matter spurts out of the backs of their heads as they fall like dominos, leaving one man standing. He turns on his heel and runs.