

My heart is as bruised as my pussy.

But it’s a good feeling, awarmfeeling. Uncomfortable, yes, but also reassuring.

Beast just fucked the virginityoutof me and spilled his loveintome, and if I had any shred of doubt left about the way he feels for me, then that’s been obliterated tonight.

In the cage, he fought with focus and a determination to win. The second I watched him step into the ring, I knew there’d be no doubt he’d be by my side at the end of it. Watching him tear his opponents to shreds was nothing short of erotic. I’d felt his anger and his rage, his passion and his need all the way over on the other side of the warehouse.

He fought them all for me.

He proved himself to every man and woman standing in the arena watching him fight that he isstilla force to be reckoned with. That he will stop at nothing to be by my side. That if you fuck with him, with me, you’ll end up like those men he just flattened.

If I said that didn’t inflate my ego a little, I’d be a fucking liar.

But thisisn’tabout my ego.

It’s about him and me, about us.

Kate and Roger.

Grim and Beast.

Queen and…King.

Because if anyone has earned their place at my side, it’s him.

“Beast?” I whisper, my fingers trailing down his spine as I shift beneath him.

We’re still joined together, and I hiss, feeling the soreness between my legs despite how ready he made me, how completely he turned me on. I’m praying that there won’t be any blood, but if there is, then so be it. He’ll learn I’m a virgin and know that just like him, I couldn’t bear to give myself to anyone whilst we’ve been apart.

“Princess,” he murmurs, lifting his weight onto his forearms as he cups my head in his hands, swiping his thumb across my puffy, kiss-bruised lips. He gives me a rueful smile. “You okay?”

“I’m more than okay. You, on the other hand, look like you’ve done ten rounds in the ring with Tyson Fury,” I say with a soft laugh as I reach up and press my fingers gently against his swollen eye.

He hisses, then grabs my wrist and kisses my palm. “Fury wouldn’t last one round with me. I’d knock him clean out in the first five minutes.”

“Is that so?” I tease.

“You know it, baby.”

“Baby? That’s new.”

“You don’t remember the last time I called you baby?” he asks, smirking.

“I remember,” I admit, it wasn’t long after I called him daddy.

“So you don’t like it?”

“Well, if you’re going to call me baby, how does Daddy sound?” I joke, biting down on another hiss of pain as his cock hardens and he rolls his hips.

“I’ll answer to whatever the hell you want,” he admits, dropping his lips to mine.

“Hmm, what abouthoneybun?”