Nala’s lips wobble as understanding begins to dawn. “He killed her, didn’t he? My father killed my mother.”

“Yes,” Thirteen says gently. “He killed your mother then asked another servant to take you into the forest. By the time Renard found out what had happened, you’d already been left for dead. The rest you know.”

“Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” Konrad exclaims, stumbling backwards. Leon reaches for him, hauling him upright. I don’t understand his reaction given that Nala’smyblood, not his.

“You’re my brother,” Nala whispers out, shaking her head in wonderment. Swiping at the tears streaking her face, she steps in front of me.

“Nothing’s changed,” I counter, taking a step away from her.

“You’re my brother,” she repeats, reaching up to touch my mask, “And I’ve never even seen your face.”

“And you never fucking will,” I snarl, slapping her hand away before twisting on my feet and striding away from her.

She calls after me, but I don’t turn back. I keep walking away from my brothers, my sister, my friend, from fucking Nothing, until I’m inside the castle walls and heading towards One’s bedroom and the hope of oblivion.