Focussing on the three of us, Christy steps forward, holding the blade laced with poison in front of her. She goes to Konrad first and with trembling fingers silently unbuttons his shirt. From my vantage point I can see her silently mouth the wordsorryas she presses the blade against his skin, carving her name into his chest. Konrad groans, his head falling back against the bark. I’ve no idea how long it will be before the poison begins to take effect, but I hope for all our sakes it’s quick.

Jakub is next, but the wound to his head keeps dragging him into unconsciousness and he barely makes a sound, let alone registers Christy cutting into his chest. Her whispered apology is lost to the wind lifting up her hair and whistling through the courtyard.

When she reaches me her expression falters, as she slides her hands beneath the torn material of my shirt and traces her fingers over her name already carved into my chest. Tears brim in her eyes and she blinks them back furiously.

“Do it,” I urge her, pressing my chest against the tip of the knife.

“Leon,” she whispers, leaning in close, close enough for me to whisper in her ear.

“We do not fear the darkness, Christy, not now that we’ve found our source of light. I love you.”

She swallows hard, blinking back her tears as she cuts my skin, the poison flowing into my bloodstream with every slice. When she’s finished, she steps back, her arms falling to her side as a calmness settles over her features. “You told me that your hearts belong to me, that I brought them back to life. Well, I claim those hearts now. They’remine.”

And she’s right, they are.

“Yours,” we all respond as a blast of wind passes through the courtyard raising goosebumps on my arms. My body wracks with shivers as the poison begins to take hold but I fight it off, my attention caught by the blade of a knife glinting in the moonlight, an intruder hiding within the shadows on the other side of the courtyard.

No!I try to shout but no words will come, my voice stolen by poison, my muscles turned to stone.

“Look, Christy, as much as I love your flair for the dramatic and all that, these fuckers need to die. If you want their hearts, I’d gladly cut them out for you. It’s a messy fucking job, but it’s not like I ain’t done it before,” Beast says, drawing her attention away from me and the words of warning that refuse to form on my tongue.

“But theywilldie,” she replies softly, dropping the blade to the ground. It clatters to the cobblestones, masking the intruder’s footfalls, distracting everyone. “This blade is laced with poison.”

I hear One’s demented cry of anguish just as darkness claims me.