“Yes,” I breathe, curling over her, my hands running over her scarred back, my cock engorging with every lick and stroke. I press my finger into a whirl of knotted skin as she sucks me off slowly, her mouth and tongue pulling a mind-altering orgasm from deep within me. My balls tighten, the base of my spine tingles as I grasp her hair, holding on for dear life as I unfurl from around her, needing to see her choke on my cock. She looks up at me, her eyes watering as I press against the back of her throat. Pulling back slightly, I allow her to draw in a deep breath through her flared nostrils, relishing the way she suctions me into her mouth and swirls her tongue around my cock.

“Fuck!” I exclaim, my knees buckling.

I grip hold of her shoulder, steadying myself as she reaches up and grasps my hips, urging me deeper into her throat, never once taking her eyes off me. I fuck her mouth like that, staring into the abyss of her soul, wondering how a man like me could deserve a woman like her.

“You’re beautiful,” I exclaim, my toes curling as intense pleasure builds in my balls and the base of my spine. “I’m going to come, Christy. I’m going to come down your pretty little throat,” I say, letting out a deep groan, my dick pulsing, my whole body shuddering as I spill my cum over her tongue. An instant well of gratification and gratefulness opens up inside my chest for this woman and her ability to drag me out of my head so that I can fall so deeply for her.

She’s a miracle. A gift. One I’ll never take for granted again.

Christy pulls back, licking her glistening lips as she looks up at me, her pupils blown wide. There’s no fear in her eyes, no hatred, just acceptance of who she is, and what we are together.

My orgasm relaxes me, the tension I’d walked into this room with, disappearing as Christy climbs to her feet, and I take her proffered hand. She leads me to the sheepskin rug laid out on the floor in front of the hearth. The wool is soft beneath my feet as we stand before each other, the warmth of the fire heating our skin. She slowly circles me, her fingers blazing a trail of heat over my flesh as she moves.

“I want you to concentrate on my voice,” she says.

Her exceedingly gentle touch instils both fear and a heavy dose of hope within me. Kindness has only ever brought me pain, and yet, her compassion has drawn me out of the darkness of my past giving me the strength to survive. I can’t help but shudder, my whole body vibrating from her touch. I can’t lie and say that part of me doesn’t want to run from her compassion, that I don’t want to take her roughly and fuck her with violence just like I did with One so many times over the years. Those parts of me are still there, but I’m fighting to control them, for her, for me.

It’s a battle that rages deep within the confines of this ruined and ravaged skin I wear.

“I want you to breathe deeply,” Christy continues, her voice a lullaby that soothes, not torments. “Allow your body to get used to my touch and your mind to understand that in this moment Iwon’thurt you. I’ll never hurt you.”

There’s a crack in her voice that has me reaching for her, my hand sliding through her hair as I cup the back of her head in my hand. My own compassion flaring to life at her pain.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

Her fingers find an old scar on my chin, her thumb running over the length before she presses a soft kiss to it. Her lip trembles, her eyes brim with tears that she blinks away. Determined to remain strong, fierce in the face of my scars. “There isn’t a part of you that isn’t marked in some way. I see your suffering in every inch of your skin.” Her head drops, as she presses her forehead laying against my chest. “I’m sorry.”

“This isn’t on you, Christy,” I say, my fucking heart thundering behind my ribcage. It wants to rip out of my chest and fling itself into her hands, knowing that she’s the only one who’ll keep it pumping. Who’ll keep itsafe.

She lifts her head, swiping at her eyes. “I can’t take away the memories that caused these scars but I can replace them with better ones. Will you let me?” she asks, trailing her gentle touch over another old scar that my father gave me when I couldn’t stop crying after he forced me to fuck One.

“I don’t know—” I say, my voice catching. My father has fucked with my head so much that her kindness makes me want to run. Fucking her mouth is one thing, but allowing her to soothe me, quite another.

“Brother, let her. Let her help you,” Leon says, urging me to be brave, to face my fears. “It’s time to let it all go.”

Our gazes clash, and I’m reminded of the gentle way he’d loved her whilst I’d watched. He’d turned his back on the darkness and stepped into the warmth she’d offered him. He was fucking brave.

I need to be the same. “Yes,” I whisper.

Her shoulders relax, a release of air parting her lips as I concede. Then, one by one she drops a gentle kiss to my scars. The old ones, the new ones. The ones inflicted by my father, by One, by myself. She kisses them all. She moves around me, pressing a kiss to my shoulder blade, to my lower back, to my right arse cheek, to my hip bone and knee, to my shin and calf, to the palm of my hand, to my lower stomach, my pec, the underside of my ribcage. To my elbow.

She kisses every last scar, soothing away every rotten memory with kindness and compassion, with empathy and care. My skin prickles with goosebumps, my body immobilised by her need to heal what’s been broken over and over again, and with every kiss my cock jerks, hardening beneath her attention.

“What are you doing to me?” I whisper, amotherfucking tearrolling down my cheek. I don’t swipe it away. I don’t try to hide it. I just allow myself to feel safe in the knowledge that this time I won’t be punished for it. I’m not weak because I’m crying. I’m not a fucking failure because I choose to accept kindness and compassion. I’m stronger for it. I’m stronger because of her.

“It’s okay,” she murmurs, her lips brushing over another scar, another bruise, another memory scored into my skin.

On and on she goes, kissing and caressing, soothing and consoling, healing me with kindness and compassion. I would be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. It does, but not in the same way as it did when these scars were inflicted. This kind of healing hurts because it forces me tofeelwhen before all I ever sought was numbness, an escape from a world that was utterly cruel to a boy who never lived up to his father’s twisted expectations. It’s endless the way she heals me, every kiss unspooling the bitterness and pain, knitting together the wounds that have festered deep inside of me.

“Christy,” I lament, my arms widening and as she steps into my arms I smother her with kisses, with fucking affection, with desire and heat and passion that is given lovingly and without an ounce of violence.

In her arms I’m free to be the man I always wanted to be. In her arms I’m no longer a sinner, I’m human. In her arms I’m given permission tolove.

So I love.

I love with all my motherfucking heart.

“Brother,” Leon says, distracting me briefly. I follow the sound of his voice as he strides towards me from the bureau in the corner of the room. I hadn’t even noticed he’d moved, so engrossed in Christy. He holds out a condom, meeting my gaze. “We do this right.”