“You’re more of a Dálaigh than I’d first thought.”

I shrug, feigning more confidence that I feel. “Well?”

“Where can I find it?” he asks.

“Ground floor, east wing. Find the room that gives a view of the terrace gardens. There’s a door that exits that room and leads to a hallway beyond. Take a right and you’ll find Jakub’s room of curiosities at the end of that hallway. The knife is in the same glass cabinet that’s filled with human bones and jewellery.”

Arden nods then flicks his gaze to Kate. “Make sure they’re dead.”

“Done,” she agrees.

“I suggest you hurry, mate,” Beast interjects, “Because once these fuckers are dead, we’re out of here, and I don’t know about you but we’re not hanging around to find out if those sick fucks in that ballroom have balls big enough to murder as they do to fuck a pretty woman. There are two hundred of them and only three of you and I don’t care how good at fighting you are, there’s no way you’d be able to take them all on.”

“He’s got a point. We got what we came for,” Carrick says. “Let’s grab the knife and get the fuck out of here.”

“It was good to meet you,” Arden says to me, before turning his attention to Konrad and Leon who’ve remained quiet this whole time. A slow smile pulls up his lip. “I’ll be seeing you in Hell.”

With that, Arden and Carrick turn on their heels and exit the courtyard, leaving me to walk the path Fate has paved so thoroughly with blood.