“Oh fuck, she’s going to be trouble,” Konrad exclaims, glancing at Jakub who’s scowling.

“Just as well she isn’t—”

“I’m sure it’s stunning,” Leon cuts in before Jakub can say anything further.

“I did try to persuade Thirteen to wear gold instead of black, but she refused,” Nala continues, cupping her hand around her mouth and whispering not so quietly even though Thirteen is standing right next to her. “Thirteen insisted on a high neck, floor scraping black dress that leaveseverythingto the imagination.”

“I happen to like my dress,” she laughs.

“You're dressing for a funeral, not a ball, Thirteen,” Nala says, rolling her eyes. We all take a collective breath and Nala frowns. “What did I say?”

“Nothing at all. Come on, let’s go,” Thirteen says, placing her hand on the small of Nala’s back. “We’ve only got a few hours and I know you’ll hog the bathroom for at least three quarters of that time.”

Nala grins. “You’ve gotthebest bathroom. Beats mine any day.”

“Speaking of which,” Jakub says, “Next week I want you to move into the spare room in our suite. It’s much bigger than your current room and has a walk-in wardrobe and a bathroom that is as spacious as Thirteen’s…”

“Really?” Nala exclaims.

“Really. You’re my sister and this castle is as much yours as it is mine. You don’t belong in the servants quarters. You never did.”

Nala’s eyes well with tears and she runs to Jakub throwing her arms around his neck. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“It’s no bother,” he says gruffly, patting her on the back. “I should’ve offered earlier. I just had things on my mind…”

She squeals, releasing him. “I get it. Thank you!”

“Go on, go,” he says, a smile playing on his lips.

“Wait!” I say, grasping her arm before she can leave.

“What is it? Did you want to get ready with us girls? I just thought perhaps you’d want to spend time with them before your big performance.”

“I do, it’s not that. I just wanted to…” My voice trails off as I stand, pulling her in for a hug. “Forgive me,” I whisper.

“Forgive you? What on earth for?” she replies with a laugh. “I’mhappyyou’re together. Haven’t I been trying to get you together since you arrived here? I don’t begrudge you alone time. I’m not a child. I get what you all need.”

I plaster on a smile as I pull back, squeezing her shoulders. “Well, I appreciate it.Weappreciate it.”

“Jakub may have saved me as a baby, but no one needs to treat me like a child. I’ve grown up in this castle, I’m fully aware of what goes on here. You need to have sex. I get it.”

Konrad roars with laughter and my cheeks flush with heat at her honesty and openness.

“Shall we go?” Thirteen asks, her lips quivering with amusement as she looks between us.

“Yes, let’s get beautiful,” Nala replies, striding across the room and pulling open the door, stepping outside.

The second she’s gone, Thirteen cast her eyes at me. “Come to my room when you’re ready, I have something for you,” she says, and we both know what that something is: a knife laced with poison.

“I will,” I reply softly before she closes the door, leaving the four of us to say our goodbyes.