Laura’s trust in me shatters, “You fucking prick, using my feelings, my fucking words against me. Now you can watch her die!”

Everything seems to happen in slow motion. She turns and runs in Lily’s direction. A muffled scream pierces the air, and that’s all I need to hear to get my body moving with superhuman speed.

Laura only makes it two steps before my chest bumps into her back. I wrap my arms around her body and pull her to my chest. The knife goes flying through the air with the collision, landing on the ground with a clang a few feet away from where Lily is sitting. Laura struggles in my grasp, kicking her feet, and tossing her head backward in an attempt to headbutt me.

“You’ve ruined everything. We could’ve been happy together. We could’ve taken the money and ran.”

“No, Laura, you ruined everything for yourself.” I grit out, squeezing her tighter while avoiding her head. I’ve never been more thankful for all the early morning workout sessions than I am now.

Laura stops struggling and instead turns on the waterworks, “I’m sorry, Sebastian, just, please let me go. Let me go, and I’ll never bother you again. You know I have a family and a job. How will I care for them? My children will lose their mother. Sebastian, please, please…I can’t go to jail!” She’s doing her damnedest to break me down, but there isn’t a bone in my body that cares about her or her family. If anything, this is what her family needs. It’s obvious she’s suffering from some mental issues.

“That’s exactly where you belong. In jail, in a padded cell.” She starts to struggle again, but she’s no match for me. I’ll hold her all day if I have to.

The sirens grow closer and closer. It sounds like they’re circling us and finally, they seem so close, I wonder if they’ve driven into the building. Lily whimpers on the floor, and as badly as I want to look at her, to make sure she’s okay, I can’t. I can’t do anything but concentrate on this batshit crazy woman.

The police seem to take forever getting inside, but I never loosen my hold on Laura, in fact, it’s like the opposite happens. Like a boa constrictor, I tighten my grip every time she lets out a breath.

“You’re hurting me.” She cries, and I shut down completely. Heavy footfalls bounce off the walls of the hall, and I know then that everything is going to be okay. As soon as the police enter the room, I release her and watch as she stumbles away from me, sagging breathlessly against the wall.

“Officers, thank God you’re here. He tried to kill me,” Laura starts, the lies spinning from her fucked-up web.

The officers look between the two of us, and then Lily, who is still bound on the floor. In seconds I’m pushed against the wall, my hands pulled behind my back.

What the fuck?

“What the hell?” I growl as they drag me out of the room. Someone must have removed the tape from Lily’s mouth because her voice is the only one, I seem to hear.

“No, it’s not him. It’s her! She drugged me, kidnapped me, and then she tried to kill me. That crazy bitch tried to kill me,” Lily screams, and before I can comprehend what is happening, a small body crashes into mine.

My Lily. Mine. I wish I could wrap my arms around her. Instead, she does that for both of us. Another officer makes an attempt to pry Lily off of me, but she starts to cry, big fat tears slip down her face.

“I love you, baby, everything is okay. Don’t worry, all that matters now is that you and the baby are safe.”

“You, Sebastian Miller?” Someone that looks to be a detective rather than a police officer asks as he walks up to me.

“Yes. Yes, I am. I’m the one that called.”

The guy gestures to the police officer, “Uncuff him. He’s the one that called it in. Looks like we’ll be taking this one in.” He says, grabbing Laura’s arms and slapping cuffs on her wrists.

Lily sighs with relief, and as soon as I’m uncuffed, I take her into my arms, kissing her forehead, cheeks, lips, anywhere that I can.

“Do you need an ambulance?” An officer asks Lily, who pulls away and shakes her head. I want to push the matter, but don’t because honestly, I’m just so grateful to have her in my arms, to know that she’s okay.

A few seconds later, they bring Laura out, she’s handcuffed and fighting like a wildcat, “I didn’t do anything! It was him! All him!” She screams, her tone is frantic and well, crazy. She continues to thrash as they all but carry her down the hall, only showing the cops more how insane she really is.