My stomach twists and knots, so badly I’m certain I won’t be able to unknot myself later. I feel sick like I might actually vomit on the floor.

“You’re staring at him. Like staring deeply. Like maybe you know him?”

Know him would be an understatement.

My lips press into a hard line, and I avert my gaze back to Delilah, brushing a few strands of blonde hair from my face. I try my hardest not to take notice of him as he and Rem take a spot a few tables away from us.

“Oh, that’s it. You know him. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be turning pink in the cheeks, and look like someone’s taken your panties, and hung them up next to the school flag in the quad.” Del announces in a whisper.

If I could will knives from my eyes right now, I would. Luck must not be on my side because as if they can hear what she’s said both of the Miller brothers look up, and in my direction. Sebastian, of course, looks away first, but Remmy holds my gaze, his eyes narrowing but not in a way that is worrisome, but more of an I-think-I-Might-Know-This-Chick.

The brothers lean in and start talking amongst each other, and I let out a heavy breath, thanking God that I wasn’t forced to face them right this second. I don’t know why, but Sebastian makes me nervous, antsy, like a crack addict on the search for her next fix.

Taking a sip of my drink, I nearly spit the now somewhat cool liquid on Delilah when she leans in and whispers, “Shit, they’re getting up and walking over here.”

Dear Lord in heaven…

“Lily Kline, is that you?” Remington stops at the edge of the small round table. His presence is one you couldn’t ignore even if you tried. Peering up through my lashes, I give him a smile. Remington Miller is as beautiful as he was the day I left. All the Miller boys are, taking after their mother. Toned, tanned, and a smile that owns every room.

“That’s me,” I chirp, trying not to sound nervous, or excited, or anything at all.

Sebastian grunts beside him, and I let my gaze slowly drift to him. He’s holding the paper coffee cup in his hand so tightly it looks like he’s going to crush it at any given second. Does my presence annoy him that much? He seemed fine in his office the other day.

“What’s it been, ten years?” Rem strikes up a conversation like time never passed between us. Like we’re the same two kids that lived a few houses down from each other.

“Yup.” I pop the P.

“Are you studying here?” Rem asks.

“Yeah, I’m starting classes on Monday. I just moved back here,” I explain.

Glancing over at Del, I wish I hadn’t. Her blue eyes look like they’re about to burst out of her heart-shaped face. An awkward silence settles over the four of us, and Del nibbles on her bottom lip nervously.

“Cool, do you remember, Jules?” Remington asks, breaking the silence.

“Yes,” I smile. How could I forget such a kind person? She was one of my first friends in elementary school, even though she was a year ahead of me, we used to ride the bus together, and play on the playground after school.

“She is a student here too, you know,” Remington smiles, and elbows Sebastian in the side not so subtly.

What the hell is that about?

“Jules’ birthday is this weekend, and we’re having a little gathering at my dad’s place. Think maybe you would want to come and hang out?”

I chew the inside of my cheek. Say no, Lily, say no. The last thing I should do is hang out with Sebastian, considering that I’ve basically just lusted after him for the past ten minutes. Against my better judgment, I still agree.

“Of course, that would be awesome. It’s been forever since I’ve seen her.”

Rem’s smile widens, and his eyes glitter with happiness. “Cool, Seb, can bring you over to the house if that’s okay, or Jules and I could swing by whatever works.”

“It doesn’t matter.” It sure as hell does, but I don’t say that. Thinking about being inside a car with Sebastian has my heart racing.

“Perfect, let me give you my number, and then I can let you know the exact time on Friday.” I pull out my phone and type the numbers he rattles off into it. Then I save his number and send him a text message with a smiling emoji, so he knows it’s me.

When I look up from my phone, I see Sebastian staring at me, his gaze pierces through my skin, and into the deep layers that hold all my secrets.

I wonder if when he looks at me, he sees her?

The thought vanishes into the air when Rem clears his throat and says, “Okay, well I’ll see you this weekend, can’t wait to catch up. I know Jules is going to flip when she finds out you’re back in town.”