“I’m sorry,” is all I can manage to say.

Lex shakes his head as he shifts to drive. “Don’t feel sorry for me.”

“I don’t. I mean, I’m sorry for being a self-absorbed asshole. I should have spent some more time with you. You’ve been home for a month, and we’ve barely hung out. That’s on me.”

“It’s okay, Seb, I know you’re busy with your new job. Seriously, don’t beat yourself up. This is not on you. It’s something I have to deal with myself. Plus, it’s not like I’ve been alone. I’ve been spending a lot of time with Dad and Rem.”

“So, what did you mean by ‘you thought it would be different’?”

“I guess, I just thought everything would go back to normal when I got back home. I thought I would go back to normal, but I feel… different.”

“Have you thought about talking to someone, like a therapist?”

“I don’t need a fucking shrink,” Lex says, his tone defensive.

“Okay, I get it. No shrink. At least come to me when you need to talk to someone.”

“What do you think this is, idiot?” Lex points between us, making me laugh this time. He shakes his head, just as we pull into the gym parking lot. “And you’re supposed to be the smart one out of us three.”

I’m not so sure about that anymore.



Taping my foot, I wait behind the admin building like I usually do. Seb is a few minutes late, but I’m not going to call or text him to see where he’s at. I don’t want to seem like the angry, pushy girlfriend who needs to know where he is every five minutes. I cringe at the thought… girlfriend. As if. That’ll never happen.

We’ve barely talked since that night. The past few days have been tense between us. My chest aches being close to him, my hands itching to reach out and trace his body. I’m pulled toward him, drawn to him in every way. When he enters a room, I can’t look away. I try to forget what happened between us, try to tell myself that it was just sex, but of course, that’s a lie. It was so much more than just sex. We both know that.

Five minutes turns into ten, then twenty, and I’m starting to get aggravated. Where the hell, is he, and why didn’t he tell me that he was going to be late?

When it’s thirty minutes after the time we normally meet, I’ve had enough. I don’t care if I seem like an angry girlfriend. I’m not going to wait around at his beck and call.

With my head held high, I waltz around the admin building and through the front door. Most of the offices are already empty, the lights turned off, with everyone gone. Everyone but Sebastian. Picking up speed, I keep walking to Seb’s office until I come to a sudden halt a few doors down from his.

“Oh, Sebastian,” a female voice fills the hallway. A voice that is definitely coming from his office. “You know I don’t mind a little overtime if it means helping you out.”

The door opens all the way, and a beautiful woman steps out.

It’s the same woman he was with at the diner. Red hot jealousy burns like a wildfire through every inch of my body.

“Still, thanks for doing this,” Sebastian says, walking out behind her. The next instant, he looks up, his eyes colliding with mine, all while I stand there like an idiot. Then he breaks eye contact and looks back at the other woman. “I’ll talk to you soon, Laura.”

“Sure thing, Seb,” she says and starts walking down the hall. She gives me the friendliest smile when she passes me, completely unaware of how uncomfortable I am. I wait until she has disappeared around the corner before I look back up at Seb.

“I’m sorry, I’m late. Honestly, I didn’t realize how late it was until a minute ago. I was about to call you.”

“You don’t owe me an explanation,” I force myself to say, even though it kills me to do so.

Seb gives me a disbelieving look. “Will you come in for a few minutes. I have another stack of papers to sign, and I don’t wanna make you wait in the hall.”

“Sure,” I say when really, I want to say no. The jealous rage festers just beneath the surface, like an evil little beast it sits on my shoulder whispering questions in my ear that I have no business asking.

Why was he meeting with that woman again? Who is she? Does she like him?

Following him into his office, I flop down on the couch, trying my very best not to remember the very indecent things that happened on here. When I was on my knees in front of Sebastian, with his cock in my mouth. Heat builds within my core at the memory and my pussy throbs remembering the feel of his smooth skin, the way he smelt, the way he looked, how bright his eyes were as he watched, trapping me in his gaze.