“Do you understand how serious this is? I could kick you out of the dorms right now, you know. We have a zero-tolerance policy.” Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Please, it’s just some wine. I’ll pour it out right now.” I don’t think I’ve ever sobered up so quickly in my life.

“Calm down, I’m going to give you a warning this time.” She pulls out a piece of paper from her purse and hands it to me. “I need you to sign this form. It says that you understand that you are on probation and will be evicted if there are any further violations.”

“Oh… o-okay,” I stutter, taking the paper from her. I sign along the bottom where it says signature and hand it back to her.

“There is a waiting list for these dorms, and when we have students drinking, and acting out, it makes it very easy for us to determine who to remove and who to keep.”

“Got it.” The warning couldn’t be any clearer.

“Goodnight, Ms. Kline.” She dismisses me and walks out of the room like she was never here. I close the door behind her, and then go, and crawl into my bed. Who would report me? Better yet who has seen me drunk? The only person that mentioned seeing Sebastian in the dorm was Delilah, and I haven’t heard any rumors being spread, then again, I probably wouldn’t. It’s not like I’m hanging out with the popular crowd. This is nothing but another piece of shit on an already shitastic day. Pulling the blanket up and over my head, I squeeze my eyes shut, and wish for tomorrow come.

Spoiler alert, the next day isn’t any better. Walking into creative writing, I can already feel eyes on me. Three girls are whispering and giggling as I enter the room. I can only assume they’re talking about me since they’re damn near staring craters through my face as I walk by. Taking my usual seat toward the back, I pull out my notebook, and pen, and prepare for class, ignoring their icy glares from across the room.

I’ve just started writing my daily journal entry when a shadow crosses in front of me, blocking out the light from above. Dropping my pen, I look up and meet Arabella Hamilton’s disgusted gaze.

“I bet you thought you were so cool trying to bring Kyle back to your dorm with you?” My brows furrow in confusion, what is she… then it connects Kyle… Kyle Weber, the guy I almost dragged to my dorm room in an attempt to forget Sebastian. Disgusted with myself, I think back to that night. I would have taken him up to my room if it hadn’t been for Sebastian. I would’ve given my v-card to some random guy for no reason at all.

“I didn’t know he was with anybody…” I honestly didn’t. He definitely didn’t act like it, and he didn’t say I have a girlfriend, which should’ve been the first thing he said if he was truly taken, right?

“Save it.” She flicks her auburn hair over her shoulder, examining her nails as if they’re more entertaining than me. “Everybody knows Kyle is my boyfriend. And I mean, everybody.” She’s talking slow now like I’m dumb or something, and if I cared, I suppose I’d be insulted, but I’m not. It takes much more than some mean girl spewing a little hate to break me.

“Maybe if you weren’t so fucking weird you would know this because you would have friends to tell you not to touch another woman’s man, and don’t even use the excuse of being drunk.” Ignoring her second comment, I stare at her perfectly painted face.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I say, “I have friends.”

Arabella laughs, but it sounds more like a witch screaming into the night. “Your roommate doesn’t count, idiot. She has to like you since she’s forced to live with you.”

Okay, that one stung a little, but it’s not true, so it doesn’t matter. D and I are tighter than pigs in mud.

Pursing my lips, I mumble, “Okay, I get it, I’m weird, and you love Kyle. I won’t flirt with him again. Can we move on now?”

“Sure, we’ll move on… might want to make sure you don’t get caught drinking in the dorms again. Wouldn’t want anybody to report you,” she grins, and all I want to do is wipe that stupid smile off her face.

“This is college. Who reports someone for drinking? Literally, everyone is drinking. I mean Liam is passed out on the goddamn table over there.” I point to Liam, who is one of the biggest partiers I know. He legit is at a party every night. I have no idea how he makes it to classes, let alone on time.

She shrugs, and the two girls flanking her do so too. “Don’t know, don’t care. All I know is that you better keep your hands to yourself, and your mouth off the beer bottle.” She snickers all the way back to her seat, and I grab my pen, squeezing it between my fingers. I want to scribble all over the page, scream, throw something, do anything but sit in this damn room for the next hour with that witch and her fake ass friends, but there’s nothing I can do.