Chapter 26


Naked and strapped to the St Andrew’s Cross I keep for special occasions such as this, Zero’s eyes flutter open. She’s only been out twenty minutes, but long enough for Leon and I to undress her and fix her in place, spread-eagled, vulnerable and locked in this cell with us. Down here in the dungeons no one will hear her scream, and fuck if that doesn’t make me hard.

She moans, her head swaying between her shoulders as she fights her way back to consciousness. Her back is bare, her scars a tapestry of healed trauma against her otherwise perfectly smooth skin.

When she’d turned her back on us in the Grand Hall, baring her secret, there wasn’t a dry cock in the room. She’d thought we would be disgusted, but fuck, her scars had the opposite affect.

Leon saw pain endured and overcome.

Jakub saw beauty within the ugliness.

And me? I’d seen something that still needed healing.

Inflicting pain might harden my dick, but healing the wounds I make gets me off.

“Please…” Zero moans, her long, fiery hair tickling her bare breasts as she lifts her head and fights to stay awake.

“Shh, take it easy,” I whisper, pressing my lips against the pebbled flesh of her arm. Tasting her sweetness. My tongue licks over her skin, loving the way she trembles beneath my touch.


The sound of her voice is both ecstasy and agony. I’ve thought about nothing else since the evening in the Grand Hall when she came so beautifully beneath our touch then fought so valiantly to regain control of the situation. She will never know, but in that moment, when she bared her true self to us, she’d owned us. All three of us,includingLeon. And no one has ever owned him.

Keeping away from Zero hasn’t been easy. Never before has a woman got beneath our skin quite like she has. Jakub was right, sheisa distraction. A dangerous one.

Saturday night we’ve got clients arriving to watch the Numbers perform in The Menagerie, and to indulge in pleasures afterwards. We need our heads in the game, but keeping away from Zero has had the opposite effect.

For the last few days we’ve been a trio of fucked-up-ness.

In one last ditch attempt to get control of the situation, Jakub confessed to what happened between them in his room of curiosities. Short of fucking her or killing her, Jakub gave us carte blanche to take what we need in order for us to get over these sudden debilitating feelings.

Feelings that The Masks arenotsupposed to have.

It’s a solid plan, but it’s fucking flawed.

Jakub’s a damn fool if he doesn’t see that.

Zero is damagedby her past. She’s deformed by her birthmark and scars, but still undeniably beautiful, and different enough to be classed as unusual with her red hair, strange eyes and body covered in freckles.

She’s Jakub’s perfect woman.

She’sourperfect woman.

And fuck if my cock doesn’t weep for her.

I’ve been hard,manic,since that night she bared herself, crazed and out of my damn mind. Countless times I’ve headed towards Thirteen’s room only to return to my own so I could wank myself off with violent tugs, and curb my need for her.

Right now I want to thrash her raw for making me feel this way. I want to redden the skin on her arse and thighs, then I want to soothe and heal the parts I break, stitch her up, and piece her back together only to do it all over again.

It’s a sickness. Aneedthat I must fulfil.

If I’m feeling that way, then fuck knows how Leon is faring. By the look on his face, not well.

He’s been like a bear with a sore head, working out in his gym until he passes out, all so he can keep away from Zero and not let loose. Admittedly, him being here is a risk, but at least I’ll be able to stop him should he go too far. The fact of the matter is, we both tried to stay away, but the second Jakub admitted what he’d done, it was game over.

He took from her. Now it’s our turn.