“One wants you dressed and downstairs in the studio in an hour,” Nala says, ending the conversation abruptly. “I’ve brought you breakfast and Thirteen has left you some clothes to wear.” She points to a loose, knee length, navy skirt, white t-shirt and ballet slippers draped over the armchair that’s situated by the window.

“I asked you a question, Nala—”

“Thirteen also gave me the key so you could, you know…” Nala replies, refusing to engage in a conversation that will make her uncomfortable. She’s still holding onto the hope that The Masks will change,canchange. For now, I let it go.

“Is that allowed?”

Nala pulls a face, understanding what I mean instantly. “The Masks gave you to Thirteen, didn’t they?” I nod in agreement. “Then I guess she’s allowed to do what she sees fit, right?”

“I guess,” I respond, not entirely convinced, but going with the flow regardless. I’m grateful for the clothing and the ability to use the bathroom and freshen up. Two basic human comforts I’d taken for granted before arriving here. Funny how a thin piece of material can help protect you against the world, but as I use the bathroom and then pull on the clothing left out for me, that’s exactly what it feels like: armour.

“Now you eat up. One is renowned for her punishing rehearsals. You’ll need your strength.”

“But the Ball isn’t for a while yet,” I say, dropping the key to the chastity belt into the pocket of my skirt. The sooner I can give it back to Thirteen the better. As random as this sounds, I don’t feel safe keeping hold of it, not when The Masks could take it from me, then take what they want.

“Oh no, you misunderstand. They’re not rehearsing for the Ball. The Menagerie will be performing this weekend. We have a small number of guests arriving Saturday.”

“Saturday?! But that’s in just a few days time.”

“Yup. Ardelby Castle is going to be a hive of action as we all prepare for the occasion,” she says breezily as if this weekend’s spectacle isn’t about the Numbers performing for dirty men and women who want to use them up and fuck them.

“Just perfect,” I mumble, pulling at the hem of my skirt.

Nala, sensing my discord, sets about tidying up the room whilst I sit and eat the scrambled eggs and bacon she’d brought me. Even though I’ve only been here for a little while, it feels so much longer than that, despite only seeing a fraction of the castle and none of the grounds surrounding it. If I weren’t a prisoner held captive in these walls then I might’ve appreciated my surroundings. Loved them, even. As it is, every room I enter, every corridor I walk down, every view I look out upon is just an illusion of freedom. I wish the Numbers understood that. Maybe then we could work together to escape.

“So, Grandfather told me you’re a ballerina,” Nala says as she escorts me to the studio half an hour later.

“I’ve never danced professionally. It’s a passion of mine, not a career.”

“Apparently Jakub was impressed.”

“He was?” I find myself asking as we descend two flights of stone stairs that lead towards another courtyard, smaller than the one The Weeping Tree grows out of. Sun streams from above, the warm air lifting strands of my hair and making the silk skirt I’m wearing flutter around my knees.

“Of coursehe was! Why on earth would he put you in The Menagerie if he didn’t think so?”

“Because I’m a spectacle, acuriosity,” I say, pointing to my birthmark.

I’m not seeking her approval, anyone’s for the matter. I accepted my appearance a long time ago. I don’t despise it, I really don’t. It’s just these men are fucking with my head, bringing out long since buried insecurities. I’m pissed off at myself for letting them get to me.

“You’renot, she protests.”

“Listen, I’m well aware of how people view me,” I say.

Yesterday Jakub had called me naive,stupidfor believing his words of appreciation. He was right. I might have gained some control sucking him off and taking his pleasure, but he’d snatched that back the second he’d opened his mouth. I was so fucking foolish allowing myself to believe his lies, because for a brief moment Ihadbelieved them.

“The Masks are all kind of messed up over you. They’ve never behaved like this before.”

“Like what?”

“Like their heads are elsewhere. Leon spent all his spare time yesterday in his gym working out until he could barely stand upright. Konrad disappeared into the dungeon for hours on end, which ordinarily wouldn’t be unusual except for the fact he wasalonedown there, and Jakub…”

“And Jakub?” I prompt.

“Well, he spent all of last night in the forest. Actually, he’s still there. The last time he disappeared for days in the forest he came back even more surly than when he left.”

“What does he do there?”

Nala shrugs. “I’ve no idea, but everyone keeps out of his way when he returns.”