I suck in a breath, trying to back away on my knees, away from the angry, violent-looking dick he wields like a weapon. It’s long, hard and girthy; the bulbous pink head leaking pre-cum. Being in this position—on my knees with his cock in my face—is both terrifying and intensely intimate all at the same time.

This is the first time I’ve seen a cock in real life. Sure, I’ve watched a few pornos, more out of a sense of curiosity than anything else, but that’s nothing compared to what I’m seeing now.

I have the sudden, ridiculous need to touch it.Him.

“Suck it,” he grinds out.

“No!” I shake my head, but he grips my jaw once more, tipping my head back.

“Take my cock and suck me off. Right the fuck now.”

“You said you wouldn’t!” I hiss through gritted teeth.

“I said I wouldn’t allow any of us tofuckyou. I didn’t say anything about getting my dick sucked.”

“You’re a sadist.”

“I’m far worse than that, Nothing. So much worse,” he warns me, passing the smooth head of his cock over my lips. I try to turn away but he releases my jaw and grasps the back of my head instead, keeping me in place. My scalp tingles as he tightens his fingers around the strands of my hair. I can taste the saltiness of him, the masculinity and power as he spreads his pre-cum like gloss across my lips. He shudders, his dick jerking upwards, hitting the tip of my nose as he glares at me with glittering, ravenous eyes.

“Ssij mnie!Suck. Me. Off!” he translates, a desperate almost pleading look in his eyes that belies his harsh order.

He wants me.

His cock is hard.

He’sdesperatefor me.

Deep down inside, right in the very dark recesses of my soul, a tiny flame alights. I’ve often wondered what it would feel like to have a man’s dick between my lips. How it would feel to have their cock heavy and erect on my tongue knowing I’d made them feel that way. Would I choke? Would I drool with saliva? Would I be turned on knowing the man I was sucking off was delirious with desire?

All those thoughts twist inside my mind as I shake my head, making it difficult for him to defile me further. I can’t ever let him know what I’m truly thinking, how fucked up I really am. “You put that in my mouth and I will bite it the fuck off!” My temper flares as I bare my teeth at him, showing him that I mean every word. At least part of me does.

“You bite me, and I’ll make you suffer.”

“You won’t be able to when your dick is bitten in half, you fucking perverted psychopath!”

“Grim will pay for it. Konrad will ruin her in his dungeons whilst herBeastwatches, and then Leon will unleash his demons on them both whilstyouwatch. Are you willing to let that happen over a blowjob?”

“Don’t count on it,” I snarl, feeling the heat of my anger rushing up my neck and cheeks as I press my hands against his thighs trying to stave him off. “My sister isn’t to be fucked with, and neither am I, you demented piece of shit!”

Jakub’s eyes flash with hunger, his gaze locking on my birthmark as his chest heaves. I match the ragged, heavy rise and fall of his chest as we face-off. For long moments he just stares at me with his dick clutched in his hand and his gaze pinned on my birthmark. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he was entranced, staring at me just like I was staring at all the horrible objects he keeps locked up in this room.

“Stop it,” I find myself saying, hating the way he’s looking at me. I feel degraded, stripped bare, less than human somehow.

“Do you know that when you’re angry it gets darker?” he comments eventually, releasing my head and running his fingers over my skin. He’s gentle, almost reverent, and I tremble under his touch, transfixed, horrified,confusedby the look in his eyes, the change in them.

“What?” I mumble, taken aback by the sudden one hundred and eighty degree turn. The anger and desperation he’d worn so well is now replaced with awe and appreciation.

“Your birthmark, the colour deepens the angrier you get. Does it do that when you display other emotions? What about happiness, fear,pleasure?” he muses, his thumb pressing against my cheek, right across the bone, fascinated by something that has only ever caused me heartbreak. “The colour here is just like the centre of your cunt when you come, ripe like a fucking plum.”

“And...?” I snap back, not sure how to take him but unable to avoid the way he leisurely strokes his cock. My knees are still planted on the floor, my arse resting on my heels, the sting from the whipping I had earlier still smarting my skin, but I’m unable to move.

Ishouldfight back. Ishouldrun.

In the end, I do neither of those things because what he says next freezes me to the spot.

“...And it’s fuckingbeautiful,” he mutters, shaking his head as though trying to fathom how that can be. How he could even voice such a thing to the woman he despises as much as I despise him?

“Beautiful?” My voice is incredulous.