Refusing to let him see my fear, I continue on with my tirade. “You put the Numbers in a show to perform for perverted men and women, because they’rebeautiful, talented. But me…? I’m only good enough to be sneered at,staredat, like some curiosity, is that it?” I accuse, all the years of hurt that I’d thought I’d dealt with bubbling up to the surface. It doesn’t matter that my life is in mortal danger from Jakub, from these men. Right here and now, that’s what fuels my sudden rush of anger.

“I already said that you’ll be performing in the show.”

“So your patrons can see the twisted and ugly in order to appreciate the flawless and beautiful? Will it make the Numbers more valuable when they’re compared to me, huh?” Jakub’s nostrils flare, his mouth snapping open, but I cut him off. “You call meNothingbecause to you I’m worthless, and the irony is you didn’t even realise just how much until I revealed my true face and showed you my skin. Even your servant understood that when he called me by the nameyougave me.”

“No. I’m not putting you in the show to show off your flaws…”


Jakub’s jaw grits, his eyes flashing beneath his mask. I’m right. I know it. He means to humiliate me even more. I guess revenge is fucking sweet.

“Get on your knees,Nothing,” he grinds out, his fingers flexing then curling into fists.

“Why?” I duck away from him, sliding out from between him and the cabinet, putting a few paces between us.

“O Kurwa! Get on your damn knees!” he roars, reaching for my shoulders and forcing me to the floor. My knees crack painfully against the wooden floorboards, my tits bouncing from the force. “No one gets to call youNothingbut me. No one.”

“I don’t understand.”

Grabbing my jaw, he tips my head back. “Heeye-fuckedyou! I should’ve fucking killed him!”

“Eye-fucked me? Are you insane?” I counter, pissed off at his anger, at his twisted up view of what just happened. “That man looked at me just like every other person in my entire goddamn life has. Like. I. Am. Nothing!”

Jakub’s fingers dig into my skin as he searches my face. “You don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?” My lips begin to tremble, but I press them into a harsh line and blink back the years of rejection and loathing trembling on my lashes.

“Yourallure, Nothing.”

“Allure?” I laugh and it’s bitter and caustic. “I’m marked,deformed.”

“Yes!” he agrees, pissing me off even more.

“I’m trussed up like an animal. You have me on a fucking leash, for crying out loud! There’s no allure, just disgust,pityif I’m lucky. What the hell did you expect?”

“I expect my staff to look the fuck away! No one can look—canlustafter you unless I say so!” His fingers grip me tighter, his teeth grinding as he tries to get a hold of himself.

“Yet, you parade me around like a dog,” I continue, shaking my head. “You want to put me in The Menagerie like some freak, but now you’re pissed off that someoneactuallylooked at me? You’re unbelievable!”

“And you’re a fucking cock-tease!” he bites back, pushing his thumb between my lips and pressing my tongue down so I can’t respond. My teeth clamp down as I glare up at him, meeting fire with fire. Spite with spite. He’s fucking insane. I might be the one with a back covered in twisted, scarred skin but he’s the one who’s fucked up on the inside. I’ve done nothing to warrant such an accusation. I’m just trying to survive.

Fuck you.

“It’s my turn,” he suddenly snaps.


My internal question is met with the sound of his belt unbuckling. I try to release his thumb, but he hooks it over my lower teeth, keeping my jaw in place, pinching my chin.

“I gave you something and now I want something in return,” he says, removing his thumb and unzipping his trousers, pushing them and his boxers down so he can release his cock.

“You stole that orgasm from me. You drugged me!” I hiss, glaring at him and not his cock that’s inches from my face.

“I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the one you gave up in my bedroom!” he counters angrily.

“Gave up?!” My stomach rolls over, sickness rising up my chest. He’s right. I did give it up. There was no drug to soften my body, heighten my senses, make me pliable. I gave him my orgasm willingly.

“Yes. Let’s level the playing field, shall we? I’m taking what’s owed to me.”