“Regardless, Thirteen’s past is her own. She wouldn’t share our story any more than we would share hers,” Jakub reminds him, removing his mask and laying it on the table. His cheeks are flushed, and little rivets mark his face beneath his cheek bones where the mask has been too tight. I have the sudden, insane urge to touch it. To run my fingers over his skin, to see whether he is in fact human and not a monster disguised as one. Then again, aren’t humans and monsters one and the same? Everyone is capable of monstrous things, there are just some who’re better at hiding their demons than others.

“Your mask,” Leon remarks tightly, jerking his head towards the discarded mask.

Jakub rolls his shoulders, then his head. “Don’t worry, Brother. I’ve given strict instructions that no one is to enter this room on punishment of death.”

Punishment of death?

Fear trickles down my spine, making my body quake. Konrad notices, and his large hand presses against the centre of my chest, warmth seeping into my skin. I wonder if he feels how my heart thunders, how it fights for me, reminding me what this truly is when every other part of my body has been hoodwinked by this drug.

“Your fear is warranted, Zero. Your instincts are entirely correct,” Konrad mutters into my ear knowingly, his warm breath tickling my neck, making goosebumps chase across my skin. “But as much as we are bad men, as much as we want to take from you, use you up for our own gain, that day isn’t today. Soon, but not today.”

“I don’t believe you,” I whisper, swallowing the lump in my throat as his fingers spread out across the centre of my chest, almost touching my nipples but not quite. My body hums with feeling, the heaviness that had hindered my every move, now making way for rolls of pleasure that lap at my senses, confusing me. My internal voice gets quieter and quieter as the wash of feeling and sensation gains strength. “You mean to rape me.”

“Maybe I’m lying. Maybe I’m not. I guess there’s only one way to find out,” Konrad says, his voice sensual, sexy. Despite everything, despite all that they’ve done, all that they plan to do, his voice calls to something deep inside of me, to a part of me I hadn’t known existed until now.

“No!” I whisper. “No.” This is the drug. This isn’t me.It isn’t.

“We like to play with our toys,” Leon continues, reaching up to remove his mask. He shakes his head from side to side, his black hair whipping around his head with the movement. “If you haven’t already guessed, we’re not just about the physical, but the mental too. Fucking your cunt isn’t the only goal we have in mind. Fucking with your emotions, your mental state, yoursoul, it’s all fair game now that you'reours.”

“Ihateyou. I will always hate you, and one day… when you least expect it. It won’t be Grim who takes your life—because believe me, she’s coming—it’ll be me!”

Leon throws his head back and laughs. The sound buries itself deep inside of me and settles in my core, the drug twisting my reaction to his cruelty and making my pussy weep for him. “You don’t have it in you, Nought,” he goads, getting in my face, his beautiful features twisting into something so ugly that he needn’t wear a mask to disguise it. He’s already a monster. There’s nothing human left within him.

“Trust me. I do!” I counter, scraping every last ounce of fight in me and hurling it back at him. “I willkillyou!”

Leon’s green eyes ripple with excitement and before I know what’s happening, he reaches out and grasps my chin roughly, slamming his mouth against mine. The force of his kiss is so violent that even Konrad sitting behind me is knocked backwards. I’m vaguely aware of the growl ripping out of Konrad’s chest, reverberating into my back, but it’s soon overshadowed by Leon’s tongue forcing its way between my lips as he tastes me. A groan rumbles up his throat as he kisses me like he wants to crawl inside my body and tear me open from the inside out.

It’s all teeth and tongue. Violence and hatred. His fingers bite my skin, the sharpness of his stubble rubbing me raw as he devours my mouth.

Heat floods my chest, burning my insides as my body reacts to his passion. It might be born on the back of violence and hate, but it doesn’t matter to my traitorous pussy because she’s flooding and pulsing. I’ve never been kissed like this before. I’ve never been kissed in a way that rips open my chest, yanks out my heart and pulverises it into a bloody mess. If I could reach for him, and claw at his face to pull him closer, tighter against me, I would. All rational thought, all need to fight him off, to kill him, incinerates in this moment. Something else takes over.

Something dark, devious, twisted and corrupt. With just one kiss this bastard makes a mockery of me. He couldn’t have hurt me any more if he tried. When he pulls back, his plump lips curl up in a sneer.

“Now tell me again how much you want to kill me.”

I’m panting just as much as he is as we stare at one another. I have no words. I have nothing I wish to say to the man who has just kissed me like I’m both his sworn enemy and heavenly match. I hate myself. Him.

With a snort of derision, Leon turns to Jakub. “We always said we’d strip her bare,together. Are you truly going to take that from us after everything we’ve endured?”

For a moment, Jakub’s jaw tightens and I swear I can hear the grinding of his teeth as he considers his brother’s request, remembering what he’s already done. He looks at Konrad behind me then. Finally, he flicks his gaze to me and nods.

“Any actions I take are with you two in mind. Tonight we will strip her completely bare, like we discussed, but neither of you will fuck her untilIsay so,” Jakub says, ripping his gaze away from me and back to his brothers. It’s a minor reprieve, one I didn’t expect, but I’m not foolish enough to think I’m safe, given the look on Leon’s face.

He grins. “Nofucking. Got it.”

“Otherwise we can indulge?” Konrad asks, his fingers swirling over the bare skin of my chest, heating me up. My body shudders under his touch. Fucking me with their dicks isn’t the only way they can hurt me. I don’t even want to know what they have in mind, given their armoire filled with implements that terrify me.

“Within reason,” Jakub agrees, before undoing the necklace and fisting the key in his hand. He walks around the table, sliding his gaze up my bare legs before focusing on the lock. “She’s still intact. I want her kept that way.”

“You mean she’s a virgin?” Konrad asks, surprised.

“Come on, Brother, you must’ve guessed,” Leon says, and I can feel him smiling even though I can’t see his face.

“Yes, she’s a virgin,” Jakub confirms, locking eyes with me.

Konrad buries his face in my hair and breathes in deeply. “She’s made for us.”

“I hate you,” I grind out, despite my toes curling with pleasure as Konrad slides his hand lower, his lips grazing the sensitive skin on my neck. My body rolls with his touch, undulating beneath his palm. I cry out, every nerve ending coming to life, tiny sparks of electricity firing beneath my skin at the barest touch. Even the cool air that circulates around such a large room makes me shudder with intense need. This fucking drug, it’s twisted me up inside.