When Renard hesitates and the other Numbers mumble under their breaths, Jakub roars. “NOW!”

Renard nods, rushing off to fetch the items requested as Jakub focuses back on Twelve, whose eyes are wide with a mixture of fear and triumph. “Do not look at me! Youstolefrom me, and you’re going to pay for it right here and now!”

“Yes, Master,” Twelve mumbles, her body trembling.

For a moment I think it’s fear, but then I notice the flush of her cheeks, the way she licks her lips and stares at Konrad with undeniable lust in her eyes, and understanding hits me that it’s desire causing her to shake. This is exactly what she wants. I swallow hard, not understanding how anyone couldwantpain. I’ve suffered so much of it in my past, still do. Pain is the last thing I will ever seek out from another person.

“Jakub, you know how much I love dishing out punishment, but I’m not in the business of giving Twelve what she wants.”

“I’m well aware what Twelve does and doesn’t want,Brother,” Jakub snaps. “But I see this as an opportunity to demonstrate the rules all the Numbers must live by to our newest acquisition—”

“Acquisition?! I’m not an object, I’m a person!” I snap, unable to control my outburst.

“Youarean object, and will remain an object until we decide you’re worthy of becoming more than that,” Leon interjects cruelly.

“Indeed,” Jakub agrees. “So far allowances have been made for your minor misdemeanors.” He looks pointedly at me as though I should be grateful for being tied up to The Weeping Tree, whipped just now and scared out of my mind from the moment I arrived here. “It’s about time Nothing understands her place, and I think this is the perfect opportunity to do that.”

“I agree,” Leon adds darkly, cutting me a look that has a shiver running down my spine. I don’t even want to know what thoughts are going through his head right now.

The sound of metal wheels passing over the wooden floor of the grand hall heralds Renard’s return and snatches Leon’s attention away, allowing me to let out a shaky breath. I watch in sick fascination as the old butler arranges the stocks which, contrary to my imagination, are not made from wood like I’ve seen in history books, but from metal.

Without even having to be asked, Twelve removes her dress, then positions herself in the archaic contraption, placing her head and wrists in the corresponding grooves. Renard locks her in place, the iron bar securing her. I swallow hard at the way she widens her stance, displaying her beautiful body for everyone to see. She looks at me with a slow smile, and triumph in her eyes when all I feel is pity and growing horror.

Konrad holds out his hand for the whip, but Jakub shakes his head. “No. Leon will be dishing out the punishment.”

I hear Twelve’s sharp intake of breath and see how she strains against the stocks holding her in place. “But, I thought—”

“You thought that your beloved Konrad would be the one to whip you raw, huh? Well, Twelve, you stole from me. That means I choose who whips you. Leon…?” Jakub says, turning to his brother who takes the Cat-o'-nine-tails with a smile so sinister that my blood runs cold.

Leon holds the implement reverently, his fingers running through the lengths of leather and the tiny silver balls attached to the end of them. “With fucking pleasure, Brother,” he drawls.

“Don’t do this,” I exclaim. “Don’t hurt her!” My mouth is dry, my voice weakened by the unfolding events, but I can’t just sit here and say nothing, do nothing.

Leon turns his attention to me. “One more word from you and you’ll be next. Understand?”

I nod, blinking back the tears as I look between the three men and Twelve whose whole demeanour has changed. She’s afraid now. Very afraid.

Leon stalks towards her, his tall frame lithe, lethal. The whole room has quietened, the atmosphere has shifted into something dark and sinister. I shift on my arse, sucking in a sharp breath from the pain, reminded of it in this moment of sheer terror that Twelve feeds us all.

Konrad snaps his head around to look at me, a question in his eyes. “Are you okay?” he asks gently, and I have to blink back my shock.

Am I okay?

Is he insane? Of course I’m not okay. My arse is red raw and I’m about to witness a woman get flogged by a man who’s clearly filled with bloodlust. My mouth opens to respond but slams shut as Twelve screams, the Cat-o'-nine-tails spreading red-hot fire over her skin.

Leon tips his head back and lets out a sigh. “One,” he says, eyes burning hot as he focuses not on Twelve, but on me.

“Five lashes. Five lashes to remind you of the rules, Twelve, and to ensure Nothing here is aware of the consequences of breaking them,” Jakub says, as Leon fondles the lengths of leather waiting for further instruction. One leans over and whispers in Jakub’s ear. He nods, then says, “After every lash, I want you to repeat the rules, Twelve.”

“Yes, M—master,” she stutters, trying to control the wobble in her voice.

“Given Leon has already started, you should repeat the first rule…” Konrad prompts, folding his arms across his chest, the muscle in his jaw feathering as he grits his teeth.

“The first rule is toalwaysobey The Masks,” Twelve says, her whole body stiffening as she waits for the next lash. Jakub doesn’t warn her to relax like he did me, he simply nods at Leon who whips her again. Another scream releases from her lips. It takes her a moment to catch her breath, but eventually when she finds the strength, she continues.

“The second r—rule is to not covet what isn’t mine and never will be.”

Leon is even more brutal this time, the third lash cracking against her skin like a thunderbolt. Her scream is loud enough to shatter windows.