I roll my eyes, refusing to acknowledge that he’s right, and knowing that despite his teasing, he’s wary of my gift. The unexplainable scares most people, including this man who’s afraid of very little. “What’s up? Where’s Kate?”

“Nothing’s up, Grim just wanted a chat but Iris isn’t settling so she’s asked me to call whilst she deals with our little princess first.”

“But it’s six o’clock in the morning. Isn’t that when babiesshouldbe waking up?” I point out.

“You think?” he says, shaking his head. “Not Iris. We’ve been up with her all night. None of us have gotten a wink of sleep.”

I laugh. “She’s going to be so much trouble. You’d better get used to sleepless nights, Roger.”

“That’s Beast to you,witch,” he replies with a chuckle, swiping a tattooed hand over his face before grinning at me. “And don’t let Grim hear you call her Kate, either. You know she hates it.”

“She hates it whenyoucall her Kate. Maybe she just doesn’t love you as much as you think she does, huh?”

“Now I know you’re a fraud. That woman loves me more than life itself.”

“Correction, she lovesIrismore than life itself… She just tolerates you,” I retort, laughter in my voice.

“You and I both know that Grim doesn’t tolerate anyone,” he points out.

“Wait, you’re right,” I say, tapping my chin thoughtfully. “Didn’t she shoot you once?”

Beast grins, his white teeth straight and even. “Yeah, alright. I might have overstepped the mark a little on that occasion…”

“She never did tell me what you did,” I muse, narrowing my eyes at him.

His smile fades and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “Then it ain’t my place to tell. I may just end up dead this time.”

“Fair enough. I don’t want your death on my conscience.”

“Anyway, how’re you doing?” he asks me, changing the subject with a wink and a dazzling smile.

Beast might be a huge tattooed man with violent tendencies and a darkness that should never be underestimated, but beneath all of that is a man who is fiercely protective and loving to those he extends his warmth to. He’s a good man. I don’t need to know what happened between my sister and him to know that. In fact, I was the one who’d convinced Kate to give him a chance after seeing him in one of my visions. When we first met, she hated him. Or at least that’s what she’d convinced herself. I knew better.

“I’m fine, but by the looks of it Iris is running rings around you.”

“You’ve no idea,” Grim says, joining the conversation as she peers over Beast’s shoulder. “Hey, Christy.”

“Hey, Kate. Everything okay?” She might look perpetually tired these days, but I see the happiness in her eyes. Motherhood was never in her plan, but she’s amazing at it.

“Everything’s great,” Grim replies, sitting on Beast’s lap. She winds her arm around his neck and he folds his thick, tattooed arms around her waist, pulling her closer against his broad chest.

“Yeah, so great that you threatened to cut off my balls if I didn’t call Christy even though it’s the arse crack of dawn and no one with any sense is awake at this time in the morning,” Beast says, yawning.

“I’mawake,” I point out.

Beast winks. “Exactly. No sense.”

“I just had the urge to call my little sister. What’s wrong with that?” Grim protests with a shrug of her shoulders, but I see the concern in her eyes. Grim has incredible intuition, which she refuses to acknowledge. I’m pretty sure her intuition has saved her countless times over the years, especially in her line of work. As one of the most respected gangsters in all of London, she’s had to trust her intuition, or gut instinct, as she prefers to call it.

“That’s calledworry. Grim wants to mother everyone these days,” Beast explains.

She clicks her tongue, lifting off of Beast’s lap and grabbing the phone, moving away from him. “Why don’t you go and make yourself useful, Beast, and put on some coffee, I’m barely hanging on here,” she says over her shoulder.

“Fine, fine, I know when I’m not wanted. Catch you later,witch,” Beast says, appearing back on the screen. He gives me a small wave before planting a kiss on Grim’s cheek.

“Don’t mind him. He’s cranky lately. No sex for a week can do that to you,” Grim says with a wry grin as he leaves the room.

“He’s cranky because he hasn’t had sex in aweek?” I laugh at that. “How about never having sex. You're talking to the oldest virgin on Earth right now.”