Jakub’s only response is to kiss meharder, to plunder my mouthdeeper. His nose smashes against mine as he bends my head back, shoving his body further between my legs and kisses me until I’m gasping for air. This kiss is invasive, as though he’s trespassing on my soul, searching for something.

He obviously doesn't find what he’s looking for because he lets me go with a shove, rearing backwards, his eyes blazing. “I have one question that I’m going to ask you, and I want the truth. Lie to me, and I will allow my brothers to do what they’ve been wanting to do to you since the moment they laid eyes on you. Believe me, sucking their thumbs will be nothing compared to what they’ll make you do. Your throat will be so raw from their cocks you won’t be able to swallow without being reminded of them.”

Leon chuckles as I drag in a panicked breath. “Fuck yes,” he grinds out, lowering his nose to my hair and breathing me in.

“Brother?” Konrad questions, as uncertain of Jakub’s motives as I am.

Jakub refuses to look at him. Instead he cups my cheek, rubbing more blood across my skin, marking me with his affliction. “Before Konrad and I arrived this evening, did Leon touch you intimately?” he asks.

“What the fuck?” Leon’s grip tightens on my arm as fear wraps around my throat like a snake, constricting my airways. Jakub glances at him, narrowing his eyes.

“Be very,verycareful how you choose to respond right now,” Jakub warns me, fixing me with his stare. I consider lying but what would be the point? Jakub already knows the answer. Bringing me up here, showing me this room, wasn’t just a warning of what could happen to me should I disobey them again, it was a ploy to reveal the truth. I can see that now. “Well?”

“Yes,” I say.

“Fuck!” Konrad breathes, the tension in the room thickening with every intake of breath. Leon’s grip becomes painful, and I don’t know whether it’s because he’s angry at me for telling the truth or is afraid of the repercussions. Either way, I don’t care. I don’t owe him a thing.

“Take your hands off Nothing,” Jakub orders, cutting his gaze to Leon who drops my arm immediately. I automatically reach for the spot, rubbing my fingers over the tender skin. “You don’t get to fucking touch her again until I say so. Understand me?”

“I understand you,” Leon replies with a terse nod of his head.

“Get out. I’ll deal with you later.”

“You want me to leave?” The note of incredulity in Leon’s voice is hard to miss.

“I want you to get out of my fucking sight!” Jakub roars, all control slipping. I flinch at his wrath, my fingers curling into the bedspread.

Leon doesn’t retaliate. He simply nods, climbs off the bed and leaves the room without a backward glance.

“Brother. Be calm,” Konrad says, trying to reassure him.

“Be calm? That’s twice he’s disobeyed me in the past twenty-four hours. Don’t tell me to be calm! He’s losing control and right now we need to focus.Allof us. Take him to the lake. He needs to cool off. I will not let a piece of pussy come between us. No matter how fucking tempting.”

“Fine, but what are you going to do with Zero?” Konrad asks.

“We’re going to have a chat and then I’m taking her to my room.”


“Because I don’t trust either of you not to end up in her bed late at night when I’m asleep. My door has a lock and only I have a key.Ican control myself around her.”

“I can too,” Konrad counters, his nostrils flaring as he stands.

“Don’t bullshit me, Kon. I know you better than you know yourself. You both need to remember what we discussed. She’s onlyoursand not justmineon the proviso neither of you lose your heads. We have a business to run. That is our priority. Got it?”

“Understood,” Konrad responds, and with a brief flick of his gaze to me, marches from the room.

The second the door swings shut behind him, Jakub lets out a long breath then reaches for the knife and strides over to the armoire. Wiping the blade on a cloth he picks up from the shelf, he places it back in its sheath that’s tacked to the door.

“If I’m causing so much trouble, why don’t you just let me go?” I ask quietly, certain my question will cause me more pain, but asking it regardless.

“Because it’s too late. There’s no going back now. Since the decision was made to seek our revenge and make you ours, all Konrad and Leon have thought about is what you could give them. They’ve waited a long time for you. I won’t deny them.”

“And what, exactly, am I supposed to give them?”

“Their deepest desires…” his voice trails off as he closes the doors to the armoire, then strides back towards me.

“And that’s to beat me with those instruments, degrade me, control me,fuckme, is that it?”