She jumps, her hands falling away and her skirt dropping back down around her knees. When she looks at him over her shoulder, her long flaming hair forming gentle waves down her back, even I have a hard time stopping my cock from twitching. She’s fucking growing on me. “What?”

“Czy mówilem ci, zebys zdjal sukienke?” he says, his voice thick with annoyance.

“What? I don’t understand?” Nought replies.

“Did I tell you to take your dress off?” he repeats in English.

She shakes her head. “I assumed—”

“Well, you assumed wrong,” Jakub grunts. He doesn’t want her naked yet, we have a special something planned for that moment. So for now, the dress stays on, though it will do little to protect her from what’s about to happen. The material is thin, so she’ll still feel the pain, and boy am I ready to hear her fucking scream.

“Oh fuck,” Konrad mutters under his breath, handing me my t-shirt as he moves his mouth to my ear. “Ten grand she pukes.”

“Twenty she faints before that happens,” I retort, pulling on the t-shirt and rolling my shoulders.

“Deal.” My brother holds out his hand and I shake it. I don’t much care about the money, between us we’ve got enough to last ten lifetimes. Money doesn’t motivate us. It never has.

Jakub doesn’t hesitate. He raises the leash then brings it down on her back. The sound of it cracking against her skin makes my blood erupt and my cock stiffen, but the silence afterwards, the absence of sound...

Fuck. I’ve never been more turned on in my life.

She doesn’t make a murmur. Not a whimper.

Instead, she turns around to face us with nothing but hate in her eyes. If she’d softened a little when I’d touched her earlier, testing her boundaries, then she’s hardened right back up now. There’s no denying that at this moment she isfierce. Out of the corner of my eye I see Konrad’s jaw drop.

Jakub stares at her for a long moment, waiting for another reaction. I can tell by the tense way he holds himself and the grip on the leash that he’s surprised too. That doesn’t happen very often. Having lived the life we have, doing what we do, we’re all clued up about the intricacies of the human psyche. The Numbers remain here because we’ve manipulated them into believing what we want them to believe. This prison is successful only because the Numbers no longer see it as one. Take a lion in a zoo for example. It’s fed the primest cuts of meat, taken care of and given a certain amount of freedom. The Lion can still be what it is, but has been conditioned to live in a cage. Still beautiful, still full of life, but not free. The same applies to the Numbers. We’ve given them the illusion of freedom, a life they think they want. We’ve allowed them to be exactly who they are deep down inside, with their artistry and their sexual proclivities. There are no boundaries with regards to those two things. The only boundary, the one that’s most important, is the cage they don’t see, the one that keeps them in this castle. So far, only one of them has tested their freedom, or at least the illusion of it, and in the end it wasn’t us who caged him but one of the other Numbers.

“Are you done?” she asks, flicking her gaze between us all, before finally resting her eyes on Jakub.

He nods. “Yes.”

With a deep intake of breath she shifts her feet, extends her left foot, then rises up onto her point and begins to dance, astounding us all once again.