Chapter 11



Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Who is this woman and what the hell has she done to my self-control?

She said she’ll be my mirror… That she’ll makemesee. What she doesn’t understand is, unlike my brothers, I’m not afraid of my reflection. I don’t pretend. I know what I am and I happen to fucking like it.

Except for the brief moment when you remembered that kid you were. You didn’t like it then.

“Fuck!” I curse under my breath.

This isn’t how it was supposed to play out. I was supposed to scare her and instead she has me confessing our history and falling to my knees before her, touching her like she’s made of fragile glass, rather than breaking her and cutting myself on the shards.

I don’t get on my damn knees for anyone. Ever. Not since…

Fuck, don’t think about that. Don’t.

Konrad’s deep laughter pulls me up sharp, and I shoot to my feet. “Looks like someone started the fun without us,” he says, eying me as he enters.

“Just making sure she’s still got the fight within her. Can’t have herwantingour touch, now can we? At least not yet, anyway,” I reply quickly, sliding my hand in my trouser pocket so they can’t see how my fingers glisten with her juices. I grip hold of my cock, telling it to calm the fuck down because getting hard at her soft whimpers and gentle moans is a sign of fucking weakness. Her screams are what Icrave.

“She just kneed me in the chin for tying up my shoelaces. ShethoughtI was going to touch her.” My gaze flicks to Nought. She frowns but she doesn’t try to out me. Why doesn’t she tell them I’m lying? I grit my jaw, the feel of her fingers in my hair and the gentle way she’d held me lingering.

“I’m surprised you’re not punishing her for her insolence,” Konrad remarks, striding over to the bottle of cognac that I left on the side table and pouring himself a shot. He side-eyes Nought as he passes, but she keeps her gaze fixed on me. Waiting for my next move.

“You walked in before I could. Want to help me, Brother?” I ask, grinning at Konrad. He swallows the shot, the amber liquid matching the colour of his mask.

“Fuck yes.”

“Pigs,” Nought hisses, her shoulders tensing and her hands curling into fists. She’s like a feral cat, her claws unsheathed, ready to protect herself. But feral cats are just domesticated cats in disguise. She’ll come to obey sooner or later. I’ll have her purring beneath my touch soon enough, and when she trusts me completely, that’s when I’ll take what Ireallywant. There’ll be no gentleness then, only need.

“We’ve been called worse,” Konrad says.

“Touch me and I’ll rip your goddamn eyes out.”

My lip twitches at her fight. I’m beginning to really enjoy that mouth, and I can’t wait to find out what she tastes like, but more than that, how fucking loud she screams. “You really are a tease,” I say, smirking as I stalk towards her. “But that’s okay, they’re the most fun.”

“Wait,” Jakub says, stepping between Nought and me. He lifts her chin with his finger. “Want to tell me what happened, Nothing?” he questions evenly. To anyone who doesn’t know him they’d see a controlled man, someone who isn’t affected by anyone or anything. Kon and I know differently. Jakub is affected byeverything. Always has been. He just handles it differently now.

“What he said,” she snaps, anger boiling in her eyes. She’s trembling with it, and fuck if I don’t love the affect I’ve had on her. She could’ve dropped me in the shit, but her shame at enjoying what happened keeps her mouth shut. I smile internally. She’s not as immune to our attention as she thinks.

“You’re certain?”

There's a warning in his voice, despite his even tone. Nought appears to understand its meaning as much as Konrad and I do, despite not knowing him well enough yet. That in and of itself is intriguing. If you lie to Jakub then you have to pay the consequences. I can take the punishment he’d dish out for lying to him. I’d even enjoy it. But Nought? She wouldn’t last a minute.

“What can I say, he’s an arsehole. I kneed him in the chin.”

Konrad roars with laughter, but Jakub just nods his head. I’m not so certain he believes her, but for now he drops the subject. Grasping her elbow, Jakub walks Nought into the centre of the library. It’s a large space, the only furniture are the bookcases lining the walls and the four chairs placed by the fireplace, two on either side. Konrad and I sit to the left, Jakub to the right. The empty chair remains out of respect for our father.

“You’re here to dance. So dance.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.” Jakub twists on his feet to face me. My little brother, the true Brov heir, meets my gaze with his steely one. “I told you to wait for us to join you before requesting Renard bring Nothing here.”