Chapter 10


“You’re late,” Leon snaps as I step into the library situated deeper in their private apartment. Renard is standing directly in front of me, blocking my view of my captor.

“Apologies, Sir. Mistress was fatigued and needed a little longer to rest and recuperate. She is feeling better now,” Renard replies, his voice even, neutral. It angers me. I can understand Nala’s youthful belief in The Masks’ ability to change, but what’s Renard’s excuse? He’s an old man who must understand how the world works.

“Don’t apologise on my behalf. I’m not sorry to be late given I don’t want to be here at all,” I say, stepping out from behind Renard, the heat of the open fire wrapping around my bare legs as I move.

For a moment all Leon does is stare at me from his seat by the crackling flames. In his hand, he holds a crystal decanter and is swirling the amber liquid around and around as he takes his fill of me from behind his mask. Of the three, he scares me the most. He puts me on edge.

“Where are the others?” I ask, trying and failing to hide the tremor in my voice.

“They’ll be here shortly.” He raises the glass to his mouth and takes a sip, before turning his attention to Renard. Leon jerks his chin. “If you wouldn’t mind.”

“Yes, Sir.” Renard flicks his gaze to me, and I can’t help but notice the look of concern in his eyes. Despite it, he leaves me alone with his master, the door closing with a resounding click.

“You look exquisite,” Leon remarks. His words might be complimentary, but his tone is not. It’s predatory.

“Why am I alone with you?” I ask before I can stop myself.

A slow smile pulls up his lips. “Are you afraid, Nought?”

“I’mangry,” I say, refusing to look at him or give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he terrifies me. Instead, I allow my gaze to trail over the room. It’s a large space, the walls are panelled with dark wood that match the polished floorboards, and three of the four walls are covered in huge floor to ceiling bookshelves filled to the brim with books. The room has one window, but the heavy curtains are drawn, blocking the last of the afternoon’s sunlight from the space. Several lamps are dotted about the room giving it a warm, comforting glow. In another world, another life, I would’ve loved this room. Books are something I treasure, and yet all I want to do is get as far away from this space, and the man who dominates it, as possible.

“You didn’t enjoy being shackled to The Weeping Tree?” he asks after a moment, a note of humour in his voice that’s as dark as his soul. I snort, not deigning to answer him. “Okay, touchy subject… Let’s try again. You seem very interested in these books. We have another library in the East Wing, one that’s three times the size of this. If you’re good, perhaps Jakub will show it to you. He likes to read as well, you know. At least he did, once upon a time. ”

“What do you want?”

“You’re here to dance for us, of course.” He takes another sip of his drink, peering at me over the rim of his glass.

“No. I mean, what doyouwant?”

“Oh,” he says, a slow smile spreading across his face. “You think I arranged for this moment alone together, that I’m panting after you like Konrad is?” I raise a brow and fold my arms over my chest, trying not to show my nerves. “It’s true, Konradisenamoured. He can’t wait to redden that perfect lily white skin of yours.”

“I’m not perfect,” I mutter under my breath.

If he heard me, he doesn’t acknowledge it. Instead, Leon places his glass on the low table in front of him and pushes up out of his chair, striding towards me. Even though every single part of me wants to run, I stay rooted to the spot.

“You think you know me, Nought?”

“I don’t presume to know anything other than the fact you’re a demented bastard,” I hiss.

In a flash, Leon lunges for me, his hand coming up to grasp my throat as he crashes his body against mine, forcing me backwards until my back hits the door. “Fuck, you really do know how to turn me on. Keep going, see how far I like to be pushed.”

Our gazes clash and my breath comes out in short, sharp puffs of air as his fingers flex around my throat. “You’ve got an affliction. You’reill.”

“You make it sound like there’s a cure,” he replies, his free hand sliding up my arm and across my shoulder until he cups the back of my head and brushes his lips over my ear. “Are you the cure, Nought? Is that it?”

“No,” I reply softly, trapped in his hold. Trickles of fear slide down my spine, but despite that I shift in his hold, turning my head so that my cheek presses against his masked face, and my lips brush against his ear. “I’m yourmirror.”

“What?” he pulls back, his weight lifting off me as he presses the palms of his hand on the door either side of my head. Our gazes clash, but I refuse to look away. I refuse to back down.

“Every wrongdoing, every act of cruelty, debasement and pain that you intend to inflict on me will be reflected back at you. I will never,eversuccumb to coercion or brainwashing like Four and Eight have so clearly done. I will strive every minute of every day to show you the darkness that swims inside your veins until you see nothing else. Until youseewho you are. My name isn’t Nought. It isn’t Zero. It isn’t Nothing. It isn’t even Christy. I am the magicmirrorfrom a fairy tale, I am the one who sees things, who reveals truths, and who never,ever, breaks,” I reply, pushing off from the door until he’s the one who takes a step backwards away from me. “You blame a good woman for your family's pain. But it wasn’t Marie. It wasn’t even Jan, who died of grief and heartache. It wasSyzmon. This curse your family has befallen is because one man couldn’t see past the pain, and instead of trying to heal, he caused more of it. Just like his children, and their children after that. All the way down to you three. It’s been a never-ending cycle of destruction that will continue forevermore unless you face what you are.” I breathe deeply, my nostrils flaring as I reach up, my fingers curling around his mask. I push it off his face, chucking it to the floor. His eyes widen with shock, but he makes no move to react, stunned into silence. “So no, Leon. I won’t be your victim, your possession or even your cure, but I will be your mirror. Iwillmake you see.”

His eyes flare with anger, with passion, with hate, but underneath it all there’s something else too.Respect. It might not be empathy or kindness, but it’s a start.

“Konrad was right about you,” he eventually says, crouching down to pick up his mask. “You’re a worthy foe. I’m going to enjoy breaking you.”