“She’s not blood related, at least I don’t think so. I don’t know her story, but I do know that whilst they care for her in their own way, she has never been invited to their apartment and she has never seen their faces. Only you have. That has to mean something.”

“Perhaps,” I concede, though what I’m unsure of.

“I know what they’ve done to you isn’t right. I know that keeping you here is wrong. But they care for the Numbers in their own way. They’re fiercely protective of them. They’ll be like that for you, if you let them.”

“They’re prisoners, Nala. They’re only protective because they’re a commodity.”

“No. You’re wrong. The Numbers are free to leave whenever they want. Theychooseto stay.”

“Even if that were true, and the Numbers weren’t manipulated into staying here, today Leon threatened both you and Renard. He said that if I escaped in your care there would be consequences. You’re just a child. That isn’t right.”

“They wouldn’t hurt me or Renard, not really,” she says, but I know she doesn’t quite believe it.

“Those boys who took care of you and kept you safe when you were a baby, they’re gone. You even said that they’d kill you if they knew you brought me food and water the first night I arrived here. They’re not good people, Nala.”

“No one can lose goodness. It’s still in them. I know it is. They’ve just forgotten.”

“I’ve seen no evidence to suggest you’re right.”

Nala opens her mouth to respond, but the door to the bedroom swings open and Renard steps in. He flicks his gaze to our clasped hands then looks up at me. “It’s time to go.”