Leon shakes his head, snorting. “Doubtful. He seems more pissed with Thirteen. He doesn’t like to be caught off guard. Besides, she’s not really his taste.”

“He looked pretty caught up to me. You’ve got to admit, she’s quite alluring, isn’t she?”

Leon runs his gaze over me as he fingers the leather collar. “Maybe.”

“Come on, Brother, youmustsee what I see,” Konrad continues. “All that fiery red hair and long limbs. Aren’t you just the least bit curious to find out what she looks like beneath that dress?”

“Not really. I am interested in how loud she screams though,” he retorts, stalking over to me.

My mouth parts, a cutting retort on the tip of my tongue, then I remember what Nala had said and instead I force myself to be quiet.

“Where do you think you’re going…?” Leon asks as I slide along the wall, backing away from him. A wide grin splits his handsome face. It’s the kind of smile girls with no sense would fall for, only seeing the beauty and not the beast beneath his skin. There’s a reason why some of the deadliest things are so alluring.


“Running wouldn’t be wise…” He pauses, cocking his head and dropping his smile. “What should I call you?” he muses, thumbing the leather collar in his hand. “Looks like Jakub thinks you’reNothing, and Konrad has already named youZero…”

“How about Christy?” I say, instantly regretting my moment of bravery.

His lip curls. “How aboutNought?”

“Nought?” My throat closes over and tears prick my eyes. I see what this is. Take me away from the people I love. Strip me of my name, my clothes, my identity. Make me a number. No, make me less than a number. To them I’m no better than an animal, a dog they can leash and force to obey.

I’mZero,Nothing,Nought, to these men.

“Yes, from now on I shall call you Nought.Heel, Nought.”

My jaw grits, my nostrils flaring. I look from Konrad’s amused gaze back to Leon’s cruel one. If they think they can treat me like this, they’ve got another thing coming. I would rather die than allow them to reduce me to that.

“I said,heel!” Leon repeats, snapping his wrist so that the end of the leather leash catches my bare feet. The sharp pain registers within my tormented heart, pushing me over the edge just as my fingers reach the handle of the door.

“Fuck you!” I snap, ripping the door open and slamming it closed behind me.