“Yes,” Leon agrees. “We’ll have to do something about that…” his voice trails off as I meet his frosted gaze. My spine tingles with the threat.

“I won’t make this easy for you,” I mutter.

“Bedziesz posluszny,” Jakub says, drawing my attention back to him. I’ve no idea what he’s just said, and I don’t care to know either. I’m more concerned about the fact that he’s approaching me. “Bedziesz posluszny,” he repeats, removing his mask. He chucks it on the side table beneath the window, then locks me with his steely gaze. “Youwillobey.”

Despite having met the masked version of him in my visions over the past two years I’m taken aback by his appearance, by hisyouth. I’m guessing he’s in his early twenties like me, as opposed to late twenties like Konrad and Leon appear to be. It surprises me that as the youngest, he’s clearly the leader of the trio. Then again, there’s something innately commanding about his presence, and it isn’t just the way he holds himself, or the barely contained monster lurking beneath his skin. It’s much, much more than that. Refusing to kowtow to his demands, I shake my head. “No.”

“Wrong answer,” he retorts, and before I can even turn and run, he’s wrapped his fingers around my throat and has me pushed up against the wall, nose to nose. I feel his steady breath on my skin as he glares at me. “You will obey. You will do what we tell you to do, when we tell you to do it,” he continues, his hazel gaze pinning me to the wall as much as his body is. The unusual golden colour of his eyes, flecked with deep browns and dark greens, reminds me of the forest surrounding the castle.

“Every time you refuse our commands, you will be punished. Every time that mouth runs away with itself, you will pay the price. We are not men who you say no to. Understand me?” He releases the pressure on my throat slightly, and I draw in a ragged breath. “Well?”

“I understand,” I reply through gritted teeth.

“You may be Zero to Konrad, but you’reNothingto me, and you’ll be treated like nothing until I decide you’re worth something,” he says, sliding his hand from around my throat and into my hair. Grabbing a handful, he yanks my head back, pressing his body against the length of mine before dragging the tip of his nose up my exposed neck, breathing in deeply. “Donotfuck with me.”

I let out a gasp as he bites down on my earlobe, drawing the fleshy part between his lips. “Please,” I beg, hating myself for being so weak. Anger burns in my stomach, but this time I clamp my mouth shut knowing that unlike Konrad, Jakub doesn’t do well with someone combative. That’s abundantly clear.

“My brothers may need someone to toy with, andthatis why you’re still breathing, but know this,Nothing, I will have no problem teaching you a lesson if you speak to me with disrespect again,” he warns.


My hands itch to push against his chest, to shove him off, but his threat and the lazy way he trails his lips across my cheek prevents me. When he reaches my mouth, his lips hovering just over mine, my heart stops beating altogether and for the tiniest moment, no more than a millisecond, my body concedes and I allow myself to accept whatever is about to happen.

Our lips meet.

Time stills.

Breath hitches.

Everything fades away as the scent of fresh pine leaves and damp earth rises up from his pores.

He smells like…life. Familiar, yet frightening.

My pulse thumps in my neck as he draws in a deep breath, his eyelids fluttering closed.

“What is that…?” he mumbles, breathing me in.

When his tongue slides across my lower lip, my mouth parts of its own accord. When his fingers loosen in my hair, the tension in my muscles releases. When his hand cups my arse, squeezing me through the thin material of my dress, an ache forms between my legs.

“Here we go…Brother—?!”

Time speeds back up, untethering us from the strange attraction that has wound its way around us both like the snake around Eve’s heart. My stomach lurches as reality seeps back in.What the hell was that?

“Fuck!” Jakub swears, releasing me with a shove as he steps back.

My back slams against the wall behind me, pain shooting down my spine as nausea twists my stomach. Did we just kiss? Did Iwanthis kiss? Jakub strides over to Konrad and snatches the leather collar and lead from his hand, chucking it at Leon who catches it.

“That was quite the show, Jakub,” Leon remarks, one brow arched as he rises slowly to his feet, and snaps the leather between his tattooed hands. Dark swirly shapes cover the back of both hands, creeping up each finger. They remind me of reeds in a pond, the kind that could drown you if you happened to get tangled up in them.

“I thought we agreed not to indulge until Zero has learnt her place,” Konrad remarks, folding his arms across his chest and levelling his gaze at Jakub.

“Wedid. That was… What thefuckdid Thirteen do?”

Konrad frowns. “Do?”

“I can smell one of her damn lotions on Nothing’s skin,” Jakub accuses, jabbing a finger in my direction. “She smells like… like. Fuck this!” he rages. “Leash her. I need to speak with Thirteen.” With that, he grabs his mask and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

“Well, I’ll be fucked,” Konrad smirks, darting his gaze from Leon back to me. “Looks like you got under his skin, Zero.”