“So I’ve been told,” she responds sarcastically.

“Native Americans believe that people with different coloured eyes can see Heaven and Earth at the same time through each eye. So, can you?” I ask, curious as to why me bringing up what was meant to be an offhand comment, is so triggering for our newly acquired plaything.

She snorts. “Next you’ll be asking if I can see into the future!”

I study her for a second, my thumb rubbing over her lips. She tells me nothing, closing down completely so I can’t read her. What I do know is that her unusual eyes are somehow a trigger for her.Interesting.Tucking that piece of information away to unravel at a later date I smile slowly, languishing in her self-consciousness. She doesn’t try to move her hair away from her face, instead she uses it like a shield, hiding behind it. Angry tears pool in her eyes, but she blinks them back refusing to allow them to fall, unlike the tears she had so freely allowed to escape previously given the trails of black mascara over her cheeks.

“Right now, Zero, I want nothing more than to set you free so I canhunt.”

But that’s not the entire truth. My desires are far more complicated than that. I want to hunt. Fuck. Heal. Then I want to do it over again.

She swallows hard, but unlike every other Number, she doesn’t wither beneath my stare. This woman has courage. “So do it then. Set me free.Hunt.”

Somewhere tucked inside the cavernous cage of my chest, my dark heart beats. It goddamn beats as though someone’s stuck a fucking cattle prod in it.


I flinch, letting her go abruptly.

“Let’s go. I’m taking you to our quarters. We can all get better acquainted there.”

“Why not keep me here? Don’t you want me chained up and at your mercy?”

“Eventually, yes, but my brothers are impatient to see you. So our quarters it is.”

Her eyes narrow through the curtain of her hair. “Into the lion’s den...?” she mutters.

I don’t bother to deny it. On the surface my offer appears to be an olive branch, an act of kindness, but it’s nothing more than manipulation. She knows it as well as I do. “You can get out of these filthy clothes, bathe, eat, drink, and rest in a bed.”

For a moment she remains impassive, no doubt considering her choices. Eventually she nods, holding her hands out, her arms trembling from the weight of the chains. “Fine,” she concedes. “Let’s get this over with.”