“And what exactly is my job?” I ask softly, already knowing but needing her to say it out loud.

You're the one who will push the gates wide open. You're the one who’s strong enough to withstand the flood, who’ll survive it. You’re the only one who can.

“But what if I don’t want to? What then?”

Then all of this was for nothing. Don’t you get it? Your mother was right. You can’t fight what’s written in the stars. You’re the only one who’ll love The Masks the way they need to be loved. You’re theirs. Understand?

With that, Thirteen gently presses a kiss against my cheek, then leaves me to my thoughts.

I lay back on the bed, my mind whirring, my lungs expanding and contracting as I try to gasp for air. Thirteen has echoed Fate’s decree, hammering the final nail in the coffin of my future with her words. I feel like I’m suffocating, drowning, sinking beneath an ocean of responsibility.

The weight of this truth sits heavy on my soul.

But how can I be responsible for such a monumental task? These men aren’t good, they’re not kind, thoughtful. They don’t care about me, not in a healthy way, not inanyway.

They don’t want me, not for the right reasons anyway. They mean meharm.

They want to hurt, debase, degrade,use. They want my screams, my fear, my tears, my heartbreak, my submission. They want their revenge.

Leon wants to draw out the darkest parts of me with pain and fear. Konrad wants to break me then fix me up like some china doll he can smash to pieces then glue back together, over and over again… And Jakub, I’m not certain what he wants other than revenge for his father’s death.

What had Thirteen,Cyn, said?

You’re the one who’ll love them the way they need to be loved. You’re theirs. Understand?

How can I even contemplate such a task? How can I sit here and even give the idea a fraction of a thought? How can I give up myself like that?

“This is crazy,” I mumble, covering my face with my hands.

But it isn’t, not really.


And I fucking hate it.

Thirteen never said The Masks would love me back, and that’s because she knows, like I do, that they’re incapable. The only love they have left is for each other. It’s a twisted, dark, complicated kind of love but it doesn’t extend past the three of them. I know that. I sense that.

How can I ever lovethem?

The truth is, I can’t.

I won’t sacrifice who I am, what I need to be happy, to save three men who don’t deserve to be saved.

Thirteen is wrong. My mother is wrong.

I’mnotstrong enough to do this.

I have to leave.

Tomorrow night, during the show, I will.