“Christ! You two arguing makes me hard as fuck!” He laughs, shaking his head, like we’re all friends here and Leon isn’t looking at me like he wants to rip me limb from limb.

“Enough. Eat,” Jakub says, picking up an oyster and swallowing it.

“I know what I’d like to eat,” Konrad says in a low voice as he leans over and grabs the sliced lemon off my plate, squeezing it over the oysters in front of me. “I find the taste is so much better with a dash of lemon. They’re quite the aphrodisiac, just like the taste of you. What I would do to fuck your pussy with my tongue. I bet you taste sweet, Zero.”

“I wouldn’t know, you’d have to ask Jakub that,” I snap.

Konrad stiffens, Leon slams the glass he’s holding onto the table. Both of them glare at Jakub who leans back slowly in his seat.

“Count yourself lucky that I didn’t take her virginity too,” he says without preamble, then turns to face me, his gaze smouldering. “And yes, I can confirm Nothing tastes sweet.”

“Well fuck, Brother, anything else we should know about?” Konrad asks before picking up a lemon-drizzled oyster from my plate and holding it out to me.

Jakub doesn’t deign to answer him.

“What’s this all about?” I ask, looking between the three men and ignoring the proffered oyster. Frankly, I don’t trust it not to be poisoned. I don’t know why I’m here having a meal like we’re equals. I don’t know why Jakub wanted me to wear his mother’s jewellery and I certainly don’t know why I feel like this meal is about to change everything between us. My gut is telling me to be cautious, my back is prickling with knowing and my heart is racing.

“We’ve never had a chance to sit and talk. I thought it would be nice to do that,” Konrad explains, placing the oyster shell against his lips and tipping his head back to swallow it. I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows.

“You thought it would benice? I’m not sure you understand the meaning of the word,” I counter, trying to keep a lid on my emotions.

“Careful, Nought, the night is still young,” Leon warns. “We’ve plenty of time to show you hownastywe can truly be. You’ve just scratched the surface.”

“Oh, of course!” I roll my eyes, feigning calm when I’m anything but. “I could end up tied to that cross again, drugged and naked so you can both get your kicks.”

“I didn’t see you complaining. In fact, I distinctly remember you coming so hard you passed out,” Leon counters, just like the bastard that he is.

“Screw you. I passed out from blood loss, from sheer fucking terror. I allowed myself a moment of weakness because, really, what alternative did I have, huh? Just because I came doesn’t mean I wanted to, you fucking arsehole!” I seethe, my chest heaving, my hand reaching for the blunt knife on the table. Even as I say the words, I’m internally cursing myself. I need to calm down.

I need to play them at their own game, but by God, they make it hard.

Leon grins, and Konrad gives me a look that a parent might give to a child who has pleasantly surprised them with their tenacity. Neither seem in the slightest bit bothered that I’m holding a knife.

“Put it down, Nothing,” Jakub says, his voice firm.

I turn my attention to him, still clutching the knife, knowing that any one of them would be able to disarm me without difficulty, but feeling minutely safer for it. “You promised you’d keep them away,” I say, sounding heartbroken, feeling heartbroken. I know it was stupid of me to expect better of him, but the tiniest part of me thought that perhaps he would live up to his word.

I was stupid. So, so stupid.

“No, I didn’t. I said they wouldn’t touch you… I guess I lied.”

“Youpig!” I launch myself at Jakub, knife held aloft, only to be pulled back by Konrad.

Jakub doesn’t flinch. He simply takes a sip of wine, his long fingers wrapping around the delicate glass as Konrad rips the knife from my hand, shoves me back into my seat and kisses the top of my head, his fingers lingering in my hair as he says; “You really are fucking beautiful when you’re angry.”

“Screw you!” I snarl.

“Now now, Zero, didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to tease?” Konrad shakes his head, smiling still but his fingers tighten in my hair painfully. Yanking my head back, he lifts the knife to my throat and smirks as he runs the blunt edge against the column of my neck. My nostrils flare but I don’t move as he stares down at me, his black hair flopping forward over his mask. Pressing his mouth against my ear he says, “If you try to kill my brother again, I will take this knife and fuck your cunt with the handle before slitting your throat.” Letting me go with a shove, he smiles warmly again, morphing back into the softer version of the demon he clearly is. “Of course, I’ll make you come first.”

“Well, fuck!” Leon whistles. “I didn’t think you’d be able to do it, Nought.”

“Do what?” I ask, clasping my hands in my lap so none of them can see how badly they’re shaking.

“Get Konrad to reveal his true self.” He raises his glass and taps the edge of mine, saluting me with it before taking another swig.

Konrad draws in a deep breath, then blows it out slowly. “I tolerate many things, but threatening my brothers? It’s my biggest trigger.”

“I shouldn’t worry, Kon, all you need to do is tell Nought what she wants to hear and she’s putty in your hands. Right, Jakub? Promise to protect her from us and get her to give you a blowjob, is that how it really went down?”