Chapter 31


The following evening Nala enters the room with a message from Jakub. “You’re to dine with The Masks,” she says, holding out a large box for me to take. I’m feeling emotionally exhausted, but that’s nothing in comparison to this intense need I have to escape. I have to at leasttryto get away. Time is running out.

“Is that so?” I say evenly, taking the box from her. I glance at Thirteen who’s brewing something for Five. She’s been quiet all afternoon. Barely talking to me.

“Yes. Cook has been fixing you all a feast. The kitchen smells delicious.”

“That’s good, I’m starving,” I say, trying to temper the sarcasm in my voice.

After my argument with Thirteen last night, the revelations in my mother’s letter, and my interaction with Leon, I’ve had to keep a lid on my thoughts and feelings no matter how difficult that’s been. An hour ago, Thirteen applied more of her healing ointment to my back after sewing me back up last night. She didn’t ask me then what happened between me and Leon and she hasn’t even tried to communicate. Despite her kindness, I can’t get over her betrayal. She has the power to help me and she won’t.

I don’t even know if she read my mother’s letter and frankly, I don’t care. In fact, I’m hoping that by reading it she will assume that I will stay here and follow my mother’s advice and not attempt to run. Either way, she doesn’t mention it and neither do I, and I certainly don’t want to bring up what happened with Leon. The flashbacks are bad enough.

I could’ve killed him. I would’ve.

In that moment, as I beat him with the broom handle, I’d become a monster. I wanted to hurt him. I needed to see him in pain. It was destructive, violent, fucked-up, and the kiss that followed… I don’t even know what that was. Stupidity? Lust? Empathy?

Now all I can cling on to is the hope of escape. I just have to keep my emotions and feelings in check until tomorrow night, then whilst the Numbers perform and The Masks entertain, I’ll make my escape or die trying.

“Come on then, open it!” Nala says excitedly, drawing me out of my thoughts.

“What is it?” I ask, not really caring what’s inside, but humouring her anyway.

Nala shrugs. “I’ve no idea. That’s why I want you to open it!”

“You didn’t take a peek on your way up here?”

“No way. I’m not about to upset Jakub any more than he already is,” Nala replies.

“Why is he upset?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at Thirteen who shakes her head.

Can I really believe that Thirteen wouldn’t share our conversation or the contents of the letter with them? It’s doubtful, but the look she gives me tells me that she hasn’t. She asked me to trust her, my mother asked the same of me, but I don’t even trust myself right now.

“I’ve no idea, but I’m sure you’ll cheer him up,” Nala says, and I can’t help but scowl at her exuberance. “You need to put that on and be ready in thirty minutes. I’m to escort you to the terrace gardens. It’s warm out. We don’t get too many evenings like this. I guess they want to make the most of it before autumn is over and winter sets in.”

“Fine. I’ll be ready in fifteen,” I say, taking the key from Thirteen and striding into the bathroom. It’s not as if I can say no. Look what happened the last time I did. Besides, I can’t afford any more punishments. Getting locked up in the dungeon with The Masks will completely ruin any plans of escape, so I have to play by the rules, for now.

“She could already be dead...”

The echo of Beast’s voice penetrates my thoughts as I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I’m very aware that this plan of mine could all be for nothing, that tomorrow night The Masks' patience with me could finally wear thin enough for them to let go of their restraint, that they will get their ultimate revenge and kill me. It could happen this evening at dinner, or next week sometime if my plan of escape fails. Fate is the only one who knows what’s going to happen, and right now she’s not allowing me to see my future. Well, screw her and her games. Tomorrow night, I’m taking matters into my own hands.

Twenty minutes later after I’ve showered and dressed, Nala is knocking on the bathroom door. “How’re you doing? Need any help?”

“Icandress myself,” I say, opening the bathroom door and stepping into the bedroom.

“Whoa!” Nala exclaims, her eyes popping wide. “You look really, really beautiful! That dress is stunning!”

She’s right, it truly is beautiful and in a different world where I wasn’t kidnapped and forced to eat with my enemies, I might’ve enjoyed dressing up like this for the man I loved. As it is, I’m wearing a chastity belt beneath this beautiful dress to prevent three men from taking my virginity without my consent.

It sickens my stomach.

But what’s worse…? The fact that on different occasions I’ve succumbed to their twisted ways. I’ve come alive beneath their touch, even if it was under duress and fueled by the instinct to survive. I’ve kissed them back. My clit has throbbed in their presence, desperate for their attention. I’ve come, loudly, unapologetically.

And I’ve given up a piece of myself each time.

“Thank you,” I reply emotionlessly, running my palms over the floaty skirt that skims my ankles as I walk. The dress is a deep teal, with a scalloped neckline, low back, and straps that hang off my shoulder in a swathe of material. The bodice itself is made from layers of lace that’s intricately woven with tiny iridescent pearls.