“The details aren’t important. What’s important is that from this moment on you will pay for your sister’s actions,” Konrad says, drawing my attention back to him.

“Theywillcome for me…” I say.

“We’re not afraid of your sister or her lover. Let them come,” the Mask with the green eyes retorts with a smirk.

“W—we can work something out,” I say, trying a different approach.

“There will be no negotiations. You’reoursnow. Get used to it,” Konrad retorts, swiping his tongue over his lower lip in a way that tells me exactly what beingtheirsmeans.

“I know that. I’ve known that for some time,” I mutter, managing to lift my arm a few inches, only for it to drop back down.

Konrad looks at me then back to green eyes. “Did you hear that, Leon?”

“It’s the drug. She was calling me Sandy a moment ago. Give her another dose. We’ve still got a couple of hours to go.”

“No!” I blurt out, knowing I’d rather be awake than asleep right now.

“But she’s entertaining…” Konrad muses, watching me closely.

Words fail to form, fear nips at my ability to remain calm. Ineedto remain calm. Pressing my palms against the floor, I feel cool metal. It grounds me somehow. The sensation anchors me in the moment, enabling me to focus on reality. I look past Konrad, focusing on the wall and ceiling behind and above him. I soon realise that it isn’t a wall, but more metal. My drugged-up brain tries to make sense of where I am, as slowly more sounds filter in. Familiar sounds.

We’re in a vehicle.Moving.

It’s a van, judging by the size, and it jerks suddenly, lifting my body off the floor an inch before slamming me back down. I vaguely wonder why I’m not screaming in pain, then I remember I’ve been drugged. I’m numb, and the phantom pain I live with every second of every day is not affecting me right now. Small mercies, I guess.

Leon bashes his fist against the wall. “Slow the fuck down, Jakub. The last thing we need is the police pulling us over.”

“Talk to me like that again,Brother,and I’ll make sure that you never get to unleash yourself on her,” he retorts.


So that’s his name, the one who’s driving.

“Do you hear me, Leon? Never,” Jakub repeats, his voice menacing in a way that makes my heart leap in fear and my throat constrict, not because of what he’s just said but because I realise that it’shisvoice I recognise. The voice that I’ve always heard in my visions.Jakubis The Mask who always spoke to me. The other two remained mute, until now.

“Never?” Leon barks out a dismissive laugh, but there’s a flicker of something in his gaze as he glances at me. Something I can’t untangle. Could it be regret for speaking out of turn or anger for being called out for it? I’m not sure, I’m too bound up in my own fear to care. Right now, I don’t want to know about how they fit together or the hierarchy of their twisted trio. My short term goal is to stay conscious.

Digging deep, I focus on my surroundings, concentrating on the here and now, refusing to fall back into that weird dream state where nothing is real and bad people are camouflaged by good people. The more lucid I become, the more I should be able to move my body. Forcing all fear out of my mind, I look at the two men as they talk in hushed words beside me. I grit my teeth, and with every passing second my motor functions return. With superhuman effort, I manage to lift my arm and grasp Konrad’s ankle, squeezing tight.

“What the fu—”

His head snaps back around as he looks at my hand clutching his ankle. Leaning over, he unhooks my fingers, plucking them free like petals from a flower. His penetrating blue eyes cut through my precarious bravery, and every second he holds my gaze I feel it waning.

“Don’t touch me. There arerules,” he warns, shifting his position so that he’s back to kneeling beside me once more.

“Rules?” I shake my head, my body spasming as sensation returns. My body doesn’t feel like my own, and I try desperately to regain control over it.

“Yes, rules that youwillobey,” he continues.

“Never,” I snap.

Behind Konrad, Leon scoffs. “Your fight is admirable, but it won’t save you, it will only make this all the more delicious.”

His full, plump lips part, a slow smile dragging across his face. I watch him, unable to tear my eyes away. He seems feral somehow, like there’s an animal lurking just beneath the thin surface of his composure.

“Indeed, Brother,” Konrad agrees, cocking his head to the side.

He rests his hand against my stomach, watching me. I feel the warmth from his palm despite the lack of any kind of empathy in his gaze. Trapped in the sheer dominance of his actions, I remain mute, the wordobeyrattling around my mind like a pinball in an arcade game. Time slows as his hand lowers, his fingers brushing over my hip bone, edging towards the place touched by no man before him.