“Shewillkill them,” I insist. “You care about The Masks. I don’t know why, but you do, and if you care about them, then you’ll help me to escape. It’s the only way, Thirteen. Will you help me?” I ask, trying to make her see reason. God only knows that The Masks deserve Kate’s wrath,mine, but I have to try and stop Kate and Beast from coming here. I have to. It’s too dangerous.

For a long time Thirteen just stares at me, her grey eyes silver in the moonlight as she tries to decide what to do. Eventually, after what feels like forever, she picks up her pencil and pad and writes;I’m so sorry. I can’t help you. Not with this.

“Then The Masks will die, and you’ll be lost.”

Thirteen presses her lips into a hard line, scribbling frantically.I won’t be the one lost without them.

“The Numbers will learn to live in the real world again. They’ll have normal,healthyrelationships where they’re not hired out like prostitutes and reduced to no more than a number,” I say through angry, gritted teeth.

Thirteen huffs out a breath, then writes something else, showing it to me.I’m not talking about the Numbers. I’m talking about you.She stabs the pencil against the word ‘you’, emphasising her point.

“Me?” I laugh, I can’t help myself. I laugh until tears cascade from my eyes and drip from my jaw bitterly.

Yes, you!She nods, pressing her finger into my chest. Fury in her gaze, but also heartache,heartbreak.

“You’re wrong. I’ll befree,” I snap, swiping at my eyes, but even as I say those words,mean them, somewhere deep down inside, my gut is telling me that she’s right.

And that, that’s the most fucked-up thing of all.