Leon and Konrad might’ve strapped me to that cross, cut me, debased me, forced me to come, but here in this room I’ve claimed a little self-respect back. It doesn’t matter that I’m covered in his cum. What matters is the information he’s given up, the insight into his psyche.

Tucking his cock back into his trousers, Konrad turns on his heel and heads into the bathroom, coming back out a few moments later with a damp cloth. Avoiding my gaze he silently cleans me up. He’s gentle, solemn, and thoughtful.

It’s strange.

“I need to put some ointment on your wounds and the blisters on your feet,” he says, evenly. His mask firmly back in place.

“Okay,” I murmur, lying back down whilst internally smiling at this small victory.

Konrad takes his time applying the ointment Thirteen prepared, talking to me in a soothing voice that does little to calm my determination to ruin him.

All three of them.

Those are my last thoughts as I fall into a deep, restless sleep.

* * *

Grim paces up and down,her hand waving in the air as she shouts into the phone. “I don’t give a FUCK, Arden Dálaigh! We’re going with you. She’smysister.”

Beast steps in front of her, shaking his head. “Let them do this. Think of Iris, Grim. She needs you here.”

“Give me a moment, will you? I’ll call you back,” Grim says, punching the end-call button. She glares at Beast. Her eyes are bloodshot, ringed with dark circles. “This is non-negotiable. We’re going with them. No one fucking kidnaps my sister and gets away with it. I’m going to put a motherfucking bullet in each of them. I need to make sure they’re dead.”

“And Iris?”

“Pen and the Breakers have already agreed to look after her. I refuse to leave my sister another day longer with those men. Not one more day. You hear me? It’s been a month, Beast. A month! I’ve let her down.”

“You don’t even know if what Arden has found out is true. She could already be dead,” Beast says gently, reaching for her. Kate whacks his hand away.

“That girl is a survivor. She’s not dead.”

“They will ask for another debt. You already owe them one. Let me handle this. I’ll take a team. I’ll go get her back.”

“You don't know the exact location of The Masks’ castle. We’ve looked everywhere. This is the only lead we have, and I refuse to let it go. Besides, Arden won’t give up the location just like that, not when they can extract another debt from me. We have no choice.”

“There’salwaysa choice,” Beast says, gripping her shoulders. “We can get Christy back. Us, not them.”

Grim locks eyes with Beast, and for a fraction of a second, hesitates. “No! We need the Deana-Dhe. You know it, and I know it. This may be our only opportunity to get into the castle unnoticed.”

“Grim, you’re not thinking straight. This is an ‘invite only’ Ball. They’ll see us coming a mile away,” he adds gently, tipping her chin up so he can look into her eyes.

“This is a masquerade ball. We can hide in plain sight.”

“Think about this carefully,” Beast insists. “Think about Iris. If anything goes wrong, she’ll be an orphan. Is that what you want?”

“Christy needs me. I won’t leave her to rot in there. I won’t. If anything bad happens, our baby girl has a ready-made family to take care of her. I don’t leave anyone behind, especially not family. So you’re either with me or not. No matter what,I’mdoing this.”

Beast grits his jaw, swiping a hand over his face. “You’re right. Fuck, I’m sorry. Goddamn those fucking pricks. I’ll take their masks and shove them so far up their arses they’ll be choking on them!”

“That’s the spirit!” Grim replies, a little laughter breaking through the anger.

“Well, if we’re doing this, we could use some back-up. It’s about time you told Ford about his sister, don’t you think? If Pen and the Breakers are looking after our princess, then perhaps Asia will be willing to loan us her delinquents? Those fuckers know how to fight.”

Grim nods her head. “I’ll call him later today, but first Arden…”

Locking eyes with Beast, Grim presses redial on her phone, only she doesn’t get a chance to speak because Beast snatches it from her and says, “Arden, we’re coming with you to the Ball. Oh, and you make this my debt, not Grim’s, got it?”

“Beast? What the fuck?!” Kate shouts the moment he’s clicked off from the call.