Taking that as his cue, Leon raises the knife, and locks eyes with me. “Take a deep breath, Zero. I’m going to cut you now,” he whispers, before sliding the knife across her skin a few inches beneath the base of her neck where the burns start. It’s a small cut, no bigger than half an inch, but it bleeds beautifully.

Leon’s gaze is transfixed on the spot as he watches her blood rise to the surface then spill in tiny droplets down her back. Zero gasps, her eyes widening, her muscles flexing, skin flushing. Her mouth pops open and I kiss her, swallowing her pain, consuming it. My tongue soothes her whimpers as my hands gently cup her breasts.

“That’s it. Easy now,” I say against her blush lips.

We all take a breath, centering ourselves back in the moment, then with a wicked grin, Leon bends over and licks the cut he made, sliding his tongue along the slit, tasting her essence. He’s fucked up like that.

He wasn’t always that way.

Leon used to be the kind of person who protected the people he loved from pain. The amount of times he shielded Jakub and me, accepting our punishment from The Collector as his own. He did it out of love, knowing that of the three of us he was the strongest. That he could take it.

But it fundamentally changed him.

The lessons we endured. The teachings our father bestowed upon us.

It changed us all.

A switch was flipped in our minds. Turning off compassion and empathy and replacing it with a craving for twisted, dark things. The men we are today are so far removed from the boys we once were, it’s as though they never existed. Our father wiped them off the face of the Earth and the three of us grew up in their place.

Stronger. Tougher. Fucked up. Less...human.

Knowing that, understanding who we are, I kiss Zero deeper, getting off on her whimpers that she’s so desperately trying to hold in, revelling in the growing heat from our combined bodies locked in this cell together. My cock fills with blood, my erection punching the air, weeping for her.

I fucking weep for her.

Pre-cum dribbles from my slit as blood dribbles from her cut. It feels right somehow, Leon cutting her, marking her, whilst she conjures up our pleasure with her pain.

Everything needs balance. Of the three of us, I’m usually the best equipped to provide that.

Tonight, however, we work together. Leon punishes, whilst I pleasure.

Kneeling on the cold stone floor, I fist my cock, covering her nipple with my mouth, swirling her rosy tip with my tongue, sucking and coaxing. I’d told Zero that Leon can make a woman come just by playing with her tits, and he can, but so too can Jakub and I. We were taught from a very young age how to fuck a woman right. Our father knew the power inflicting pain could wield just as much as he understood that pleasure can be used to manipulate and coerce. He made sure we experienced both from the women he brought home for us to practice on. By the time One arrived, we’d all fucked dozens of women, our adolescent bodies experiencing the kind of pleasure only men should.

What can I say? We had a fucked-up childhood like that.

As I cup the globes of Zero’s breasts, squeezing gently, Leon makes another small cut. She shudders against the cross, her tits wobbling, thighs trembling, a soft whimper escaping her lips.

Lowering my hands over her rib cage towards the waistband of her chastity belt, I give it a gentle tug. The leather is soft, pliable, but too tight for me to access her pussy and pleasure her with my fingers. That doesn’t mean I can’t rub her over the leather though, or use the chastity belt as friction against her cunt.

Licking and sucking on her tits, I rub my fingers between her parted legs, making sure to pay attention to her clit with my thumb. Even with the leather separating us, I feel the heat, smell the heady scent of her arousal. She moans softly, her head resting against her arm. Lips parted, eyes unfocused.

Leon licks at her blood, his tongue smeared claret as he fists his cock. Then he makes another, deeper cut and I watch as he covers his palm in her blood and grasps his cock, using it to slicken himself up.

Twisted motherfucker.

He wants her virginity, and this is his way of staking a claim. Well, he can enjoy fisting his dick covered in her blood from the cut he made, because I’ll be fucked if he takes her virginity.

That’s allmine.

“Fuck, yes,” he groans, locking eyes with me.

There's a challenge in his gaze. I know what he’s thinking: can I override the pain he’s dishing out? It’s a tough ask, given I don’t have every inch of her at my disposal, but I’ve never shied away from a challenge.

Lifting upwards, I kiss her again, tugging on her breasts, her nipples, pulling on the chastity belt and capturing her whimpers. Her body is lax, loose, not strained as I’d expected.

She’s responsive, but not pliable.

She’s taking as much as she’s giving.