“It’s time,” Leon remarks, pushing off from the wall and testing the lock on the door.

“It’s secure. No one can enter,” I reassure him.

Down here, in my domain, our masks have been removed. We won’t be interrupted.

Stepping in front of Zero, Leon lifts her chin, studying her face, then says, “Hello, Nought. Konrad and I are so looking forward to playing with you.”

“No!” she shouts, jerking in his hold. Her skin flushes from her feet upwards, tingeing her in a shade of pink as pretty as the dress One picked out for her performance this weekend.

“Yes,” he croons, stroking his fingers down her ribcage and skirting across the side of her gently rounded stomach.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” The chains rattle in her attempt to free herself, and her head snaps upwards as she realises that she’s once again held captive. “Youarsehole!”

“Arseholes,” Leon corrects, casting a look at me. “You’ve got two for the price of one. Think you can handle us?”

“Not able to manage me on yourown, is that it?” she taunts, fighting with her words.

Leon laughs, his fingers digging into her chin as he plants a hard kiss against her mouth, forcing his tongue between her teeth and fucking her lips like a demon possesed. She stiffens, her muscles straining beneath her skin as she tries to rip her face away from his. Leon, however, doesn’t let up. Grasping her roughly, he kisses her like he fucks. Brutally.

I can’t say that my cock isn’t hard, because it is.

She screams into his mouth, and he jerks away.“Fuck,yes! Do that again,” he hisses, his lip bloody from where she’s bitten him. “Your fight is one of the things I fucking love about you.”

“Love? You wouldn’t know the meaning of the word, you sick prick!” Zero spits venomously.

Leon grins, his teeth stained red. “You’re right, I don’t know anything about love, but I know a great deal aboutpain. You’ve no idea how much I crave yours.”

“Leave me the hell alone!” she shouts, trying in vain to release her wrists and ankles.

The sound of the chains rattling makes my cock leap with anticipation. Today Leon and I will inflict pain and draw out her pleasure. Then I’ll heal her wounds, soothe her, care for her, fuckingdoteon her.

“We don’t want to,” I say, pushing off from the wall. I move around her, my fingers trailing over the bare skin of her arse, then up across her ravaged back. Her teeth chatter from the contact and the fear. “You can fight this, but it will only hurt more. Just let this happen, Zero, it doesn’t have to be all bad. We can make this good for you.”

“It will never be good for me.Never,” she seethes, her lips tainted with Leon’s blood.

She looks wild. Fucking beautiful despite the birthmark marring her skin. I’ve no doubt if she wasn’t chained up she’d fight us until her last breath.

“Then we will take your pain, and gorge on it, if that’s what you want,” Leon says, reaching out and twisting her nipple hard.

She cries out, her spine arching. “I don’t want to feel pain, you arsehole! I’ve lived through enough of it!”

Leon flinches as though slapped. Then he schools his features. “Too bad.”

“Let me counter it with pleasure,” I jump in, wanting to soothe, to ease the growing tension. I replace Leon’s fingers with my mouth, sucking her puckered nipple between my lips and gently easing the throb with my tongue. She bucks against the cross, but I reach around her back, pinning her in place so I can suck and tease. Taste and lick.

“Please,” she whimpers, her teeth grinding together when Leon twists her other nipple.

“Please what, Zero?” I press, trailing my finger around her areola, spreading my saliva into her pink-tinged skin.

“Don’t hurt me.” Her voice cracks on a sob, and Leon tips his head back revelling in the sound.

“That’s like asking me not to breathe. Iwillhurt you, Nought, but Konrad will counter that with pleasure. That’s all we can offer,” Leon says, stripping off his t-shirt and baring his chest to her.

Taking that as my cue, I begin to undress as well.

“What are you doing?” she asks, her eyes frantically flicking from me to Leon and back again as we both strip naked. It’s a shame she’s still trussed up in that chastity belt, but Jakub was right to do what he did. Fucking her will only release the beasts within us, so for now this will have to be enough.

“This is how it’s going to go,” Leon says, lazily stroking his cock as he addresses her, the muscles of his chest and thighs rippling beneath his black tattoos. Of the three of us, his skin is covered the most. Black reed-like tattoos wind up from his feet, legs and torso. He’s never told me the significance of them, and I’ve never asked though I suspect it’s to do with the underground lake he loves to swim in. “For every cut—”