“At least they’d be safe from harm.”

“That’s a falsity and you know it. Life expectancy for gang members is drastically lowered. Most don’t get to see their thirtieth birthday.”

“Hey, I did,” Beast exclaims rather proudly.

“You are the exception to the rule, Beast,” Hudson replies, then fixes his eyes back on me.

“And what you're doing now isn’t life threatening? They might not get to see their next birthday, let alone their thirtieth,” I point out, refusing to concede the point.

“This is something theycancontrol. I’ve given them the chance to get back what was taken from them. They wouldn’t have agreed if it wasn’t worth the risk,” he counters.

“He’s right, Titch. No point in arguing over something that we chose. Let’s just move on, yeah?” York says, squeezing my thigh.

“Fine,” I mumble, picking up my drink and draining it.

“Okay, so whilst Pen is working here, she’ll be protected by the ghosts—” Dax says.

“Err, who the fuck am I?” Beast remarks.

“And Beast,” Dax adds with a smirk.

Xeno rolls his eyes. “Outside of Tales she hasourprotection. David has already asked Tiny to get close to us, and now Jeb has suggested we allow her to do the same, so there’ll be no issues on that front.”

“Good, that makes everything a hell of a lot easier,” Grim says.

“But how are we going to deal with David? He’s going to be calling Pen soon, and when he does, we need to give him something,” Zayn says.

“What exactly did he ask of you?” Grim asks me.

“David isn’t a fool. He knows that the Breakers aren’t at the Academy to further their career in dance. He wants to know what they’re up to. He’s pissed at Jeb for keeping secrets,” I explain. “He said that when the time is right, he’s going to kill them—”

“Cocky fucker. I’d like to see him try,” York growls.

“He said that as long as I find out what the Breakers are up to at the Academy, he won’t hurt Lena. That’s about the sum of it.”

“Okay. We’re all in agreement that David is a huge problem that needs to be permanently resolved,” Grim states, watching me carefully. “He’s your brother...”

I shake my head. “He might be my brother, but he’s not family. I just share the same DNA,” I reply, making my point.

“So you want him dead?” Beast asks.

“I didn’t say that…” I bite my lip. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death. Even my brother’s. Murder, even if it isn’t by my hand, is a surefire way to stain a person’s soul. I’m not sure I’m strong enough to bear the marks of such an act. “I just don’t want him to hurt the people I love anymore.”

Grim leans across the table and reaches for my hand, squeezing it. “When he next calls, you don’t tell him shit, Pen. In fact, whilst you’re on the phone why don’t you tell him to go fuck himself. I’m pretty sure you’ve been wanting to do that for years now.”

“What?” My mouth drops open in shock, and the built-in fear I’ve always had when it comes to my brother begins to show. I press my shaking hands flat against the table.

“I’m not sure that’s the best idea,” York counters, looking over at me. He knows what David is capable of. They all do.

“Lena issafe, she has guards protecting her around the clock, but I’m gonna add two ghosts to the team looking after her as well,” Grim says, looking at Hudson who nods.


“Even if David was able to follow through with his threat personally which, by the way, I highly doubt, neither he nor anyone else will be able to get close enough to Lena to hurt her. I guarantee you. Besides, telling him nothing,provokinghim, might just work in our favour,” Grim points out.

“How so?” Dax asks.

“David is egotistical and narcissistic, not to mention bat-shit crazy,” Hudson says, seemingly picking up on Grim’s thoughts. “He will hate that you’re not afraid of him anymore and it will make him question why.”