He gives me a wry grin. “If you ever need to get rid of dead bodies and a shitload of blood, you just come find me and I’ll hook you up.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good. Oh, and if you want to use the girls again in another routine, just let me or Grim know and we’ll arrange for them to be here when you need them,” Beast adds as an afterthought. “Despite the bloodshed, the punters still wanna come back for more. You’ve certainly made a name for yourself.”

“What name, theharbinger of death?” I joke, when really, it’s not fucking funny. Beast seems to think so though, even if my boys don’t. He laughs, then gets serious when no one else joins in.

“Listen, none of that shit is on you. Besides, as soon as I shot Malik’s brains out of his head, the place cleared pretty fucking quickly. It ain’t unusual for shit to go tits up at Tales. Most of the fuckers live off the excitement. If anyone’s the harbinger of death, it’s me. I got this name for a reason and I’m more than happy to take the title.”

“Well, in that case, can I swing by sometime this week after I’ve finalised the choreography? I’d like to run through a few things with the girls.”

“Sure thing. Give me a call when and I’ll come pick you—”

“No the fuck you won’t,” Xeno cuts in. “One ofuswill bring her. Your days as chauffeur are over.”

Beast grins. “Whatever you need to make you feel in control, mate. Now, what can I get you all to drink?” he asks, heading behind the bar whilst we all take a seat at the table.

“Titch would like a Malibu and Coke,” York says, pulling out a chair for me so I can sit. I smile up at him and he brushes a kiss against my cheek, then sits in the chair to my left seeing as Xeno has taken the one to my right and has thrown his arm over my shoulders possessively.

“Pen?” Beast asks, checking that’s good with me.

“Yep, like York said. Malibu and Coke please.”

“I’ll have an Irish cream over ice,” York adds.

Beast cocks a brow. “Sweet tooth?”

York smirks. “Yeah, something like that,” he says, leaning over and burying his nose in my hair before he presses a kiss against my temple.

“Brandy for Xeno, and a whiskey for me,” Dax cuts in, sitting on York’s left.

“And I’ll take a beer,” Zayn adds, flanking Xeno’s right.

“Coming right up.” Beast prepares our drinks and by the time he’s added another four drinks to the tray—presumably for Grim, Hudson, D-Neath and himself— a door to the left of the bar opens.

“Good evening,” Hudson says, letting in a blast of cold air as he enters. This time he’s not wearing a suit but dressed down in dark jeans and a black jumper. He gives me a smile that would be disarming if I wasn’t still pissed at him.

“Evening,” Dax and York respond. Xeno gives him a nod and Zayn jerks his head in greeting.

Behind him Grim steps into the club.

“Hey,” she says with a quick smile, passing us by and striding straight over to Beast.

Leaning over the bar, she kisses Beast passionately before taking the tray of drinks and placing them on the center of the table. I hold back a laugh at the look of shock on Beast’s face as he steps out from behind the bar.

“What was that for?” he asks her.

“Can’t a woman kiss her man when she feels like it?” Grim takes a seat at the table opposite us whilst Beast hands out our drinks to muttered thanks.

“Babe, you know you can kiss me whenever you fucking like, I ain’t ever gonna say no, but you’re not usually so... open with your affection.”

She shrugs, her gaze flicking to me. I frown. I hope this isn’t her staking her claim on Beast because I’m seriously not interested in him. I’m about to say exactly that but Hudson steps in with a comment of his own as he sits at the table opposite Dax..

“You should’ve seen the kiss she gave me on the way over. The driver nearly crashed,” he jokes, winking at Xeno who smirks.

Beast’s hand hovers over a pint of Guinness and for a minute I think he’s gonna lose his shit, but when he barks out a laugh, passing the drink to Hudson, I relax. “Now Iknowyou’re lying. Louisa would cut your balls off,” he says, pulling out a chair for Grim. She sits, and he settles beside her opposite us.

Hudson raises his glass of Guinness. “Yep, she certainly would,” he confirms before taking a sip of the black liquid. They both crack up laughing whilst Grim pulls out a packet of cigarettes and lights one up. The tip glows a fiery red, sizzling with the inhalation. She seems tense.