
“Pen Scott, you sneaky bitch!” Clancy grins, pulling me into a hug later that week. It’s Friday already and we’ve literally been in a whirlwind of classes and rehearsals. I’ve barely had time to think, let alone spend any quality time with her or any of my boys since they gave me the best fucking lap dance of my life at the beginning of the week. I’ve been permanently turned on since that moment, with no relief. We’ve all been so caught up.

“Hey, girl.” I grin, wrapping her in a hug and feeling immediately guilty that we haven’t been able to catch up. Both of us have been too exhausted at the end of the day to do much more than send each other a couple of texts and pass out in our separate rooms before starting all over again the next day.

“You didn’t tell me that you and Dax were duetting again. Tiffany is fucking fuming! I would have laughed if it wasn’t for River. He’s a bit put out.”

“Ah, fuck. I was going to tell him the news myself…”

“Tiffany got there first,” River says as he enters the studio, dumping his bag on the bench. He gives me a hurt look, and I immediately feel like the worst human on the planet.

“I’m so sorry, River. Dax and I… Well, we kinda sorted out our differences... I didn’t get a chance to tell you with everything going on. I’ve been mad busy.”

River sighs, folding his arms across his chest. “Yeah, I get it. Dax and you fit. I’d be lying if I said otherwise.” He cocks his head, then smiles. “Clancy told me about you being chosen by Tuillard to dance for the social media teasers. That’s fucking awesome!”

“Thank you! It’s why I haven’t had a chance to speak with you properly. I’ve been practicing every spare chance I get. I think I’ve got the routine down now. I hope so anyway, given they’re filming Monday. I really am sorry.”

“I get it. Honestly, I’m cool, Pen.”

“You sure?” I pull a face, knowing he hates Tiffany as much as the rest of us do.

“I’m man enough to know we weren’t right dancing together, but fuck am I pissed to be paired up with Tiffany again. Jesus Christ, she’s a fucking nightmare.” He scrapes a hand through his hair, then jerks his chin. “Speak of the devil…”

Behind us Tiffany storms into the studio, her face red with anger. She strides over to me and shoves her bony fingers against my shoulder. “You. Fucking. Bitch!” she snarls with every jab, her beautiful face getting more and more twisted up. I laugh, I can’t help it. When the shoes on the other foot and all that… I look from her finger still digging into my skin and slowly drag my gaze up her arm to her face.

“You might want to take your hand off me,” I warn her.

“Or what? You going to hit me,street rat?”

I smile leisurely. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do. So, unless you want your pretty little nose broken, I suggest you back the fuck up.” Frankly, I’m done with the bitch. She’s meddled in my business way too much and given what I know, I’m not sure her threat of me getting kicked out of Stardom for punching her is gonna wash anymore.

Tiffany laughs as though she has the upper hand then has the audacity to get in my face. “I’m going to see to it that you get thrown out of here on your arse,” she warns, and I can’t help it, I tip my head back and roar with laughter.

“Yeah, not gonna happen,” I reply, slapping Tiffany’s hand away and stepping back. I could punch her in the face and get some satisfaction out of it, but honestly, I’m so bored of the bullshit. I can be the bigger person, I suppose. “Listen, you’re pissed off, I get it. Dax is an amazing dancer, but you and him just don’t gel.”

“You don’t know anything,” she retorts.

“Tiffany, just give up. You’re starting to act like a fucking stalker. Just face it, you don’t have what Pen has. None of them are interested in you. Stop acting like a slut and start appreciating what you have. River is aphenomenaldancer,” Clancy says, giving River a gentle smile which he returns with a wink.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” she hisses.

“Tiffany, just deal with it. I am,” River says, sighing heavily. “I don’t want to fucking dance with you either, but here we are, so suck it the fuck up. We’ve got a great routine, and if you put half as much effort into learning it as you do chasing after something you can’t have, then Madame Tuillard might even consider our duet for the show.”

“Shut up, you dick. Just because you’re shag—”

Tiffany’s tirade is interrupted by Xeno and the rest of the Breakers as they step into the studio, their gazes immediately resting on us. Dax frowns and York eyes widen with glee, the arsehole loves a good bitch fight. Xeno, however, is gritting his jaw and Zayn is glaring at Tiffany, like he wants to knock her out. My heart warms at seeing them despite the tense situation. We haven’t all been together since Monday. I’ve missed hanging out with them.

“Everything alright?” Xeno asks, as they all take a spot in the studio. He strolls to the front of the class, plugging his mobile into the surround sound system.

“It’s fine,” Tiffany snaps, glaring at me whilst simultaneously trying to smile at Xeno. Her face is all twisted up in her effort to cover up her nasty attitude.

“It better be.” He gives her a scathing look, one which can’t be interpreted any other way. She bristles, not used to his change in attitude towards her.

Clancy laughs then squeezes my hand. “Girl, I’m so fucking jelly right now. You need to get yourself beneath that hunk-a-chunk like asap.” With that she strolls off to an empty spot in the studio chuckling.

I mean, she’s not wrong there… Thing is, I already have.