
“Thanks for letting me tag along, Pen,” Clancy says the following Tuesday. “I’ve been dying to get a look inside the infamous Tales fight club”. She grins at me, her curly red hair wild about her head as she practically bounces up and down with excitement.

York rolls his eyes, indicating right as we turn into the industrial estate that houses Tales. “Seriously Clancy, you need to chill. Grim doesn’t do well with girly girls.”

“Grim’sgoing to be there? I’m gonna meet the badass bitch owner of Tales?”

“Yep, that’s right,” York confirms, giving me a look in the rearview mirror. I know what he’s thinking, that it’s a mistake to bring along Clancy. She’s like a puppy, and a badly behaved one at that. I love her regardless. Besides, the dance is flamenco inspired, and second to tap, Clancy is pretty badass at it.

“Fuck. I’m about to meet a real-life, in the flesh, gangster. Will her boyfriend be there too? I gotta say, he’s fucking beautiful. I wouldn’t mind climbing his pole.”

“Whatever you do,do notsay that in front of Grim,” York warns. “I’ve seen her beat the ever-living shit out of a woman who dared come onto her man. She’s an exceptional fighter and will not tolerate anyone flirting with Beast.”

“Yessss! I love her even more now. Urgh, why can’t I have a gangster partner? Like, it’s sexy as fuck.”

“You’ve got River,” I remind her.

“I do, and fuck is he good in bed. Ballet dancers are flex-i-ble,” she says, her eyebrows waggling. “Then again, I bet you know that already, York, seeing as our girl rocks ballet too.”

“No comment,” York replies, winking at me in the rearview mirror as he pulls up to a parking space outside Tales.

“Spoilsport,” Clancy mutters, grinning. She leans over and prods me in the hip with her finger. “You know if you’re ever up for spicing up your sex life, I’m still open to joining your harem.”

York switches the engine off and turns in his seat. “The fuck, Clancy! I’m not sure what I should be more pissed off about, the fact you think Titch needs her sex life spiced up—which, by the way, she does not—or that you’ve come on to her.”

Clancy winks at me then grins at York. “Don’t worry, York, she turned me down anyway.”

“Ignore Clancy, as much as I love her arse, I don’t love her arsethatway.”

“A crying shame.” She grins then pulls me in for a hug, smacking a kiss against my cheek.

“Well thank fuck, because I can’t be dealing with another person vying for Titch’s attention. I can barely cope with the three fuckers I call my best friends,” York quips with a shake of his head. “Come on, Clancy, let’s introduce you to Grim and Beast, and for the love of God, keep the flirting to yourself. Okay?”

Grim notices us enter and holds her finger up indicating she’ll be with us in a minute. Today she’s dressed down in a pair of cut-off black denim shorts, Ramones t-shirt, and chunky biker boots with her legs bare. Her assessing gaze immediately lands on Clancy, and even though I already told Grim she was coming today to help me with the choreo I have planned, she still regards her with an edge of disdain.

“Oh fuck, did you see the look she gave me?”

“She’s like that with everyone. Just remember what I said about Beast and you’ll be good,” York says.

“Will she warm up a bit?”

“Nope. Not unless she likes you, and right now the only girl she happens to like is Pen.”

“Well then, we have something in common,” Clancy retorts, pulling back her shoulders and lifting her chin. You gotta love her.

“Just be yourself, minus the flirty banter. It’ll be fine,” I reassure her.

“I want this place set up by this evening. Get to it people! I don’t pay you to sit around and chat. Move it!” Grim shouts, pulling her gun from the back of her jean shorts and pointing it at a couple of blokes who are taking a cigarette break in the corner of the warehouse. I’ve never seen two people move as quickly. Beast chuckles, pressing a kiss against her cheek, and gently pushes her towards us.

“Fuck! Did she just pull out a gun?” Clancy hisses under her breath. “I mean, I can take a verbal bashing but a bullet through the skull is pretty fucking final.”

York smirks. “I wouldn’t put it past her...”

Clancy’s skin flushes as she looks over at me, her eyes wide. “Fuck! She reallyisa badass, isn’t she? I’ve got a girl crush.”

“Do you ever stop?” I mutter under my breath, fighting to hold back a giggle.