“A little while ago you asked me what I’d want in return for protecting your sister. I told you that I wouldn’t ask anything of you that you wouldn’t be willing to give.”

“Yes, I remember—” I stiffen, waiting for the blow. Waiting for the price I’m going to have to pay so they continue to keep Lena safe.

“I’m asking you to go against your natural instincts andtrustme, trust the Breakers not to hurt you anymore, because believe me Pen, if they so much as make another damn tear fall out of your eyes, I will personally castrate them,” she says fiercely.

Xeno barks out a laugh. “Fucking try it.”

“More importantly,” she continues, ignoring Xeno. “I’m asking you to trust my best friend. I’m asking you to listen to him.” I watch her stub out her cigarette in an ashtray that’s already overflowing.

“Beast?” I frown.

Grim chuckles. “Beast winds me up way too much to be my best friend. No, I’m talking about this man here.” Then she looks over at Mr. Suited-and-booted and smiles. It’s a warm, genuine smile, and I can’t help but wonder how Beast feels about their relationship. I can’t imagine he’d be all that happy about it.

“Beast isn’t going to like you saying that,” he replies as though reading my thoughts.

Grim shrugs. “Beast knows how I feel about you. He deals with it. Besides, he’s my whole fucking universe, and he happens to know that too.”

“Yeah, yeah. We all know how much you love that brute.”

I look between the two of them. Like, what the actual fuck? These two are best friends? They couldn’t be any more different if they tried. Grim is edgy, dangerous. This guy looks like he’d be better off sitting in some office in the city with his crisp suit and fucking handkerchief sticking out of his pocket.

“You must be wondering what the hell is going on. I can see the questions in your gaze. None of this is making a lick of sense, right?” he asks me.

I nod. “Yeah, you could say that I havea lotof questions.”

“Then between us we’ll answer anything you wish to know.” He flicks his gaze to Xeno and nods. “Xeno can tell you how we came to meet a year ago, and then together we’ll fill you in on everything else.”

I look between them all, my throat drying. “Okay.”

“But first I think it’s only polite that I should introduce myself seeing as neither of these two have the manners to do that. My name isn’tmotherfucker, though on occasion my brothers might tend to agree with that evaluation of me…” His top lip twitches in mirth, but my face remains deadpan.

“I’m guessing it’s not Mr. Suited-and-booted either?” I ask, perhaps a little too sarcastically.

His smile grows, those green eyes of his lighting up. “No, Pen,” he says, offering his hand for me to shake, I take it and he grins broadly. “My name’s Hudson. Hudson Freed. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”