“You take care, Squirt,” Dax grins, finding her fumbling cute.

“I will.”

Dax takes my hand in his and Lena practically squeals when she notices.

“I’ll call you in a couple days,” I say.

“You betcha!” She winks, watching us both with glee as we walk down the hallway.

Once outside, Dax bursts out laughing.


“She reminds me a lot of you when you were young. So innocent…”

I scoff. “Believe me Lena isnotthat innocent,” I reply, remembering our conversation in the café about Teddy Smith’s nine-inch cock and how her best friend gave him a blowy on their school trip to the Isle of Wight.

“So that whole awkward conversation abouttickling picklesnever came up with your sister then?” Dax laughs and I smack him on the chest, internally cringing at the younger more innocent version of me.

“No, no it didn’t. Besides, don’t change the bloody subject. Spill!” I order, wanting to know more about what Xeno’s been up too.

“No way. That’s a conversation you’ll be needing to have with Xeno. I’m not getting involved. I told him you’d be pissed when you found out.”

“I’m not pissed. At least, I don’t think I am. I’m confused. Lena started getting all this stuff a couple weeks before I auditioned at Stardom Academy. I was worried she was either stealing it, she had a sugar daddy, or worse, had gotten involved with the Skins. Looks like I was partially right.”

“Xeno’s a mercurial bastard, that’s for sure. I didn’t find out about what he’d been doing until a couple days ago—”

“Wait,hewas sending the stuff, not all of you?”


“I don’t understand.”

Dax stops by the Bentley, resting his forearm on the roof of the car. “Lena has always been your priority. Xeno knows how much you love her, worry about her. I’m no psychologist, Kid, but I think it was his way of taking care of you without admitting that he still loved you. But if you want an honest answer, you’re going to have to ask him.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to do just that.”