“Just think—”

“Look,” I say, holding my hand up and cutting her off. “I don’t like what’s happening any more than you do. Ihateit. Do I wish that the Breakers weren’t involved? Absolutely. But theyareand that means so am I. I will never walk away from them. I did that once before and it almost destroyed me. I won’t do it again. In fact, I want to be paired back up with Dax. River is a beautiful dancer and a great friend, but he and I just don’t fit. I know that Dax can’t stand Tiffany despite her efforts to fuck him...”

“He dropped you for her,” she points out, hiding a smile at my jealous outburst.

“There was a reason for that. One we’ve fixed.”

“I see,” she nods, then focuses back on her computer screen, clicking a few buttons on her keyboard while I wait for her to mull over my request. “Well, I didn’t agree to Dax’s new partnership anyway. Duncan made that decision based on the troubles between you, not on what was right for the performance. Now that the issues are fixed, I see no reason why you shouldn’t be dancing together. I shall break the news to Tiffany. I know you two don’t get along and frankly it will sound better coming from me.”

I nod. “I appreciate that…”

“You’re welcome.”

Madame Tuillard keeps her gaze fixed on the computer screen, content it would seem to allow the silence to stretch out between us. I sigh heavily. “I apologise if I’ve come across as a bitch. You’ve given me a huge opportunity accepting me here on a scholarship. I’m beyond grateful for that, you’ve no idea just how much.” I say. “Dance is my passion too. It’s what drives me, but those men…? They’re my heart. I won’t turn my back on them.”

When she doesn’t respond, and with nothing left to discuss, I get up and head to the door. As my fingers curl around the door handle, Madame Tuillard clears her throat.


I turn to face her. “Yes?”

“The production company who will be filming the final show is visiting in a week's time. They want to film an advert for the end of year show. It will be aired a couple of months before the live televised event. Sebastian and Sasha will be coming up with a routine. I was going to ask Xeno, but he’s already got enough on his plate. I had hoped to bring in an external choreographer, but Luka refused point blank.”

“Luka Petrin, the ballet dancer?”

“Yes. We’re old friends and he owes me a favor. This one was just too big for him to agree to,” she says, refusing to elaborate further. I don’t ask, it’s not my business, but given he disappeared off the face of the Earth after his wife’s death it’s not hard to guess why he’s not helping out.

“Wait, we haven’t even learned the routine yet for this advert. Shouldn’t we get started on rehearsals for it if they’re coming next week?” I ask, wondering how the hell I’ll fit it all in with the rehearsals we’re already doing for the end of year show, dance classes, and working at Tales. Not to mention all the otherstuff.

“Oh, no. The advert won’t be filmed until after the Christmas break. The production team is coming in to recordyoudancing solo.”

“Me?” I ask, pointing a finger at my chest.

“They wanted to put together some social media marketing for the end of year show and asked me to choose my favourite dancer to feature in this teaser. I’d like that dancer to be you.”

“Me?” I repeat, sounding like a broken record.

Madame Tuillard levels her gaze on me. “Yes,you. That’s one of the reasons I asked you here today. Pen, you encompass everything I’m trying to achieve here at the Academy.”

“I do?”

“Why is that so hard to believe? Surely you’re aware of just how much of an incredible dancer you are?” She cocks her head at me and frowns.

“Let’s just say I’ve never really had the support I needed from those closest to me and leave it at that.”

Madame Tuillard nods. “Use that. Use that disappointment and show whoever hurt you that despite it,becauseof it, you’re the incredible dancer you are today. The track you will be dancing to isBird Set Freeby Sia. Have the routine ready for filming a week from today.”

“You want me to choreograph it?”

“Like I said before, you’re talented, Pen. I trust you to get this right.”

“I’ve got a week?” I ask, my mind immediately going into choreographer mode.

“One week.” Madame Tuillard nods. “I look forward to seeing what you come up with.” And with that, I’m dismissed.