
Iwake up to the sound of my phone ringing whilst sandwiched between Dax and Zayn, both of whom groan in their sleep as I try to wiggle out of their arms. The phone stops ringing then immediately starts up again, causing anxiety to swirl in my stomach.

“What fucking time is it?” York groans, sitting up behind Zayn and rubbing a hand over his face. He’s got a crease across his cheek from falling asleep on the zipper of a cushion. Given there’s no windows in the basement, it’s hard to tell what time of day it is. All I know is that we’ve spent hours hanging out, then making love, each of us finally falling asleep from an orgasm coma.

“I’ve no idea,” I reply, gently removing Dax’s arm from around my waist and gingerly standing between the sleeping pair, trying not to wake them. I step over Dax and then onto the floor, immediately searching for my phone, wearing nothing but York’s shirt. Fortunately for me he’s tall and it covers my naked arse as I crouch down and search through the clothes scattered about the room.

“Whose phone is that?” Xeno asks, stepping out of the shower room. He’s got a towel wrapped around his waist and is rubbing another over his head as water drips over his smooth tan skin.

“Mine. Shit. I can’t find it,” I say, panicked by the fact that the second it stops, it immediately starts up again.

Grabbing up his jeans that were discarded by the fridge, Xeno discards his towel and pulls them on. “It’s just past midday,” he says, checking the time on his wristwatch. “Clancy perhaps?”

“Whoever it is, they’re determined to reach me.”

Xeno reads my concern and strides over to the couch. He shakes Dax and Zayn awake. York is already pulling on his clothes. “Get your clothes on, something’s up,” he says, saying out loud what I’m already beginning to feel inside.

Searching through the pile of clothes, I finally find my phone tucked into Dax’s trainer. I swipe up, reading the screen.

“Fuck! Lena.” She’s called five times. When the phone starts ringing again, I immediately answer. I hear her sob and my heart fucking plummets. “Lena, shit. What’s wrong?”

“Pen…” her voice cracks and she cries some more.

“Lena. Talk to me right now!” I put the phone on loudspeaker and frantically pull on my clothes.

“Pen, I don’t know what to do. What do I do?” she cries out.

“Lena, take a deep breath and listen to me. I need you to tell me what’s happening.”

She keeps sobbing, unable to find the words. Glancing up at Xeno, I swallow hard. He’s quietly giving the guys orders, and when I hear footsteps coming down into the basement, I already know it’s Beast. He enters the room, dressed, a gun holstered at his side and a mobile phone pressed to his ear. Grim follows him in, still in her nightwear. I already know it’s bad news when I see the look on her face. I look away, I can’t afford to be weak now.

“She’s… not... breathing, Pen,” Lena says between sobs. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Who’s not breathing?” I ask, my throat tightening, knowing already who she’s talking about.

“It’s Mum, Pen. I think she’s… taken something…” More sobbing follows and I force myself to remain calm as I pull on my shoes even though my stomach is rolling over and I feel like I want to throw up.

“Where is she right now?” I ask, standing, sliding my arms into the sleeves of Zayn’s hoodie that he’s holding up for me. I zip it up quickly, grab my mobile, ready to go. My guys are already heading towards the stairs, knowing instinctively what I need to do.

“She’s on… the… floor. Oh, God, I only went out for a little while. She was fine when I left,” Lena sobs, hysterical now. It’s obvious mum has overdosed, that selfish bitch. I push the anger down, lock it inside. It won’t help Lena. Right now she needs me to keep calm.

“Tell Lena to let Gray in the flat. He’s just outside,” Beast says quickly. He nods, giving short one-word responses as he listens to, whom I’m assuming is Gray, on the other end of the line.

“Lena, we’ve sent someone to help you. His name is Gray. He’s at the front door. Let him in.”

“Who…? What…? How…?” she asks, her voice barely understandable, her confusion obvious.

“He’s a friend. I’ve no time to explain. Stay on the line and let him in the flat. He will help you. We’ll be there in ten minutes. We’re leaving now, okay?”

“Okay,” she manages to reply.

For a moment all I hear are her muffled movements and the low tenor of a man’s voice talking to Lena. Beast flicks off his mobile and motions for us to follow him. “I’ll drive,” he says, before turning to Grim. “You stay here. I’ll ring you when we get there.”

“I’m coming,” she replies.

“There’s no time for you to change. Stay the fuck here, Grim,” Beast orders, brooking no arguments. “Tennyson is on his way over.”