“Alright, big boy, put Titch down before we all come in our pants watching you tongue fuck our girl,” York says after a while.

“You’re like a goddamn irritating gnat, you fucker,” Dax grumbles, but despite that he lowers me to the floor, presses another chaste kiss against my cheek and steps away.

Clasping my hands in front of me, my heart in my mouth, I wait for Xeno to make his move. I could choose to still be angry with him, but right now this isn’t about blame, or anger, it’s about forgiveness, friendship and love. He’shereafter all. I can’t do any of this without them.

“Xeno…?” I whisper, holding my hands out for him to take.

When long moments pass and Dax swears under his breath, I assume Xeno has decided to turn me down once again, just like he did when we were kids. When I raise my hands to remove my blindfold, I suddenly feel Xeno’s presence and I swear the room holds its breath. I know I do.

“Let me,” he says, his fingers untying the knot at the back of my head.

Blinking back the sudden brightness, I allow my eyes to focus on Xeno standing before me and this time, when I look into his eyes, Iseeeverything he’s feeling.Everything. He brings all his emotions to the surface, allowing them to bleed through. Knowing that he trusts me to see the broken shards of him, knowing how vulnerable this must make him feel, reassures me in the strength ofus. It makes me believe that we can get through anything.

“I’m sorry, Tiny. For not listening to you. For forcing you away again.Youmatter more than my need to appease the violence. We will deal with your brother together. However you want to do that.”

“Thank you,” I say, relief flooding through me at his honesty.

He swallows hard, looking over my head at his best friends behind me, before focusing his attention back to me. “But—”

“Why does there always have to be a but?” I ask with a smile in my voice and nerves in my belly.

“Because, Tiny, your safety comes first. Always,” he replies fiercely. “If it ever gets to the point when I have to choose between you hating me and saving your life, I will choose your safety above all else. I know what you want, and if David comes here, we will try to make sure he’s put away. That he serves the rest of his life in prison. However, we’reallin agreement if he gets close enough to hurt you, wewillput him down. No hesitation.”

I breathe out slowly. Nodding. “Okay.”

“Oh, thank fuck,” Zayn exclaims, and I feel the tension leave him, all of them, as I agree with their decision.

If it was Lena in immediate danger, then I would do anything to protect her. Growing up, I made sure I was always the one who took a beating. He never touched her, mostly because mum protected her so fiercely, but there were times I caught him looking at her the way he looked at me and on those occasions I made sure his anger was focused on me, not her. So, I get it.

“What happens now?” I ask softly, looking up at Xeno under my lashes. The heat and sexual tension rising between us.

“Tonight, and all the nights for the rest of my fucking life, I’m going to love you even when it hurts.Especiallywhen it hurts. My brothers will help me to keep doing that. York will keep me distracted with his stupid fucking sense of humor when the dark thoughts hound me,” he says.

I swallow hard, as the others step closer, surrounding me. Dax is at my back, York to my right and Zayn to my left. “Will you do that York?” Xeno asks, and the vulnerability he shows brings tears to my eyes.

“You fucking got it, bro,” York replies, squeezing his shoulder.

“I will lean on Zayn when I need to talk through how I’m feeling.” Xeno looks at Zayn hopefully. “I’m counting on you to talk me out of my darkest moments when York’s humor isn’t enough.”

“Every time, motherfucker,” Zayn agrees with a light laugh.

“And when I go too far, Dax will step in and make me see sense,” he says, glancing over my head at Dax, the group’s rock and my dark angel.

“You bet your arse I will. I got you.”

My heart swells. Xeno must’ve told them everything that he told me. Opening up like that is huge. It looks like I’m not the only one who’s done some soul-searching these past few days. “And what about me?” I ask, leaning back against Dax’s chest as I look up at Xeno, my body shuddering involuntarily as Zayn and York slide their hands over my abdomen, hugging me close, and Dax grasps my hips in his large hands.

“I will dance with you to work out these emotions,” Xeno replies. Determined. Certain. “But more importantly… I. Will. Love. You. No. Matter. What.” He grits his jaw, his eyes flashing with promise, with determination. “Wewill love you.”

“Fuck, yes,” Zayn, Dax and York respond simultaneously.

Xeno drops his gaze to my parted lips, watching as my tongue slides out and licks them. I really, really want to kiss him. I want to do more than kiss him, kiss them. I’ve no idea how we’re going to do this, but right now all I can think about, all Iwant, is to forget my brother for one night and wrap myself up in the arms of the men I love.

“What do you need, Tiny?” Xeno asks me, his hands coming up to cup my face, as the rest of the Breakers hands rove over my body, their intentions clear.

“You. I want you. I want all of you. I want my Breakers to make love to me right here in the room where it all started. That’s what I want,” I hush out in a breathy, lust-fueled whisper.

“Hell, yes,” York says, his hand rising up to cup my breast over my top, his thumb rubbing over my nipple.