I nod, the emotion wrapping around us both like a comforting blanket. “I do, and ditto…. One day I’d love to hear the story of how you and Beast got together,” I say after a beat.

Grim laughs at that. “Ours isn’t your typical love story. More like aBrothers Grimmfairytale honestly. I’m not sure it’ll be your thing.”

I raise my brows. “Are you kidding? I’m partial to the unusual. Everything else is boring.”

She laughs. “Well, I suppose you have a point. Maybe when this is all over, I’ll tell you how that brute got me to fall in love with him. How about that?”

“I’d like that.”

“I will warn you, though, it’s kind of twisted. Beast’s idea of wooing me was bringing me the hearts of my enemies.”

When she doesn’t burst out laughing, my mouth drops open in shock. “What? That’s fucking gross.” Not to mention insane, though I’m not stupid enough to mention that part out loud. I like Beast. I know he’s got a reputation, butshit. It kind of puts everything I’ve been feeling into perspective. My Breakers might be violent when the need arises, but I’m pretty sure they don’t go cutting out people’s hearts and offering them up as gifts.

“It was a bit. The last heart he delivered was my father’s. Most romantic thing he’s ever done for me, though I didn’t appreciate it at the time. Pretty sure I shot him for it actually,” she replies with a shrug of her shoulders.

“What the fuck, Grim? He brought you yourfather’sheart...”

“See? Told you, that’s Grimm fairytale shit right there. I wonder whether my dad gave me the nickname Grim because somewhere in the back of his head he knew my life would end up like some twisted fairytale,” she muses.

“I don’t know what to say…”Fucking hearts.

“I told you Beast really is a beast, but he’smybeast, and I have absolutely no doubts that he will be the best father to our baby. Though I already feel sorry for the poor fucker who falls in love with her…”

“Her?” I ask, blinking back my shock.

She pats her belly, her eyes lighting with love. “It’s just a hunch, but I’d put good money on this little one being a girl.”

“A little girl, eh?”

We both turn around as Beast enters the room. He’s holding a cardboard box. I look from Grim to Beast and back again, my stomach tightening. “Please don’t tell me that’s a…”

Grim laughs so hard that tears spring from her eyes. “No, Pen. Beast hasn’t brought me a heart since he stole mine. Isn’t that right, Beast?”

Beast’s eyes widen, and he looks over at me warily. “You told Pen about that? Way to make her fucking shit-scared of me!” Grim just laughs some more. “I don’t make a habit of cutting out peoples’ hearts, Pen. At least not anymore. Those were dark days and perhaps not a story for today. Yeah, my love?” Beast says, huffing out a breath as he strides across the room and places the cardboard box in the same cupboard that I changed my wet clothes in all those years ago.

“Definitely not a story for today,” Grim agrees, taking his proffered hand when he offers it to her. “Catch you later, Pen, and remember what I said, okay?” Grim says, squeezing my arm before heading back upstairs with Beast, leaving me to wait for my Breakers in the place where it all began.