I feel those same emotions. They rise up within me as my hips begin to sway sensually.

Right here, right now. This is our story. These are our demons. This is our dance.

It’s a risk, baring myself to these men so intimately like this. I’m locked in a room with them in a sex club. Two of them want to fuck me and the other two want me to feel the same pain they feel. Yet I don’t feel fear, only a desperate need to fix what’s broken.

I keep moving my body like a snake charmed by the music. Sliding the back of my hands up the side of my neck, I lift my hair up, then allow it to fall back down as I bite my lip provocatively. My hands twirl in the air above me, and I relish the way my Breakers watch me so intently that I feel as though every inch of my skin is on fire. Bringing my hands back down, I slide them over my breasts, following the curve of my waist and hips.

Xeno’s eyes blaze with anger.

Dax’s body is tense with hurt.

York’s mouth parts in desire.

And Zayn, he steps towards me with lust billowing between us.

Placing a kiss on my shoulder blade, he lifts the rope over my head and holds it out in front of me.

“Arms up, Pen,” he murmurs into my ear.

I raise them into the air once more as he wraps the rope around my waist, unravelling it from my leg at the same time. As he pulls, the rough material chafes against my leg, damaging my stockings and running between my legs. It makes me gasp with shock as the rope passes over my mound, rough against my clit. When the whole length of rope is wrapped around my middle tightly, he hands me the end, steps to my side then places his palm on the middle of my chest.

“You fucking slay me,” he says, leaning in for a kiss before wrapping his arm around my back, and tipping me backwards.

With my feet pressed against the floor and my knees bent at an angle, Zayn looks over at York and nods, inviting him to join in. York doesn’t hesitate. He crouches behind me, holding me beneath my shoulders, supporting me so that Zayn can stand up. With my core muscles locked tight, my thighs pressed together, and my feet flat on the floor, Zayn takes the rope from me and tugs. With perfect timing, York flips me around, the momentum of Zayn’s tug and the force of York’s hands helping me twist over until I land on my hands and knees. I lift my head to look up at York, flicking my hair and arching my back suggestively. I feel the material of my silk shorts riding up my arse cheeks, the roundness of my arse on display to Dax and Xeno, and I love it.

Swinging my hips, I crawl towards York who smiles down at me as I kneel before him. His fingers stroke down my face then rest beneath my chin. He urges me upwards, and I climb to my feet slowly. With one hand on my arse and the other cupping my face, he yanks me towards him and kisses me roughly, his tongue spearing my lips on a groan.

“Let those motherfuckers watch. Let them see what they’re missing,” York says against my mouth harshly. He squeezes my arse, bruising me with his touch. I fucking moan, not caring how I sound as he kisses me. At this moment, York owns me. He plunders my mouth, he grasps my arse, he grinds against me. It’s a powerful, intoxicating kiss.

“My turn,” Zayn growls.

There’s a tug at my waist, and I break the kiss as Zayn pulls on the end of the rope forcing me away from York. I turn with the momentum, rising onto the balls of my feet as he unravels me. Zayn captures me on the last turn, grasping my elbow and sliding his leg between mine roughly. His thigh hits my clit, and I can’t help but grind against his firm muscle as he lowers me backwards and slides his lips against my throat, but York is not to be outdone. From my upside down position I watch him spin on his feet, drop to his knees and grab hold of the rope, before spinning back upwards in a corkscrew turn. He places the rope around my neck and as Zayn lifts me back up it tightens slightly.

“York!” Dax warns, but I know York means me no harm. If anything, this turns me on, to be at their mercy like this, to be able to trust them not to hurt me.

At Grim’s club, my choice was taken away, but right here, right now, I want this.

My fingers curl around the rope as Zayn kisses me, his thigh grinding against my sensitive clit, setting me alight. “Zayn,” I mutter against his mouth. My husky voice, needy. I need him. I needthem.

“Pen, fuck…” York cups my arse from behind, the rope loosening around my neck, more like a necklace than a noose. Grabbing my arm, he jerks me away from Zayn, twisting me around before lifting me off the floor and stepping backwards, the rope still dangling from my throat.

He kisses me again. Hard. His teeth clacking against mine, his hands cupping my face, his hard cock pressing against my stomach. I reach down between us, my hand rubbing York’s cock over the soft leather.


I feel a sharp tug, and my eyes widen suddenly as my fingers fly to my throat. The rope tightens around my neck and I’m ripped away from York, only to stumble backwards into a hard chest. A firm arm wraps around my waist tightly.

“Stop this now!” Xeno growls into my ear, anger vibrating up through his body. But it isn’t just anger. I can feel his passion pressing against my lower back. He’s turned on and he fucking hates it.

“You want me,” I whisper, pushing him, testing his strength as I grind my arse back against him and push the rope off my neck. It falls to the floor at our feet.

“No!” he roars, pushing me away, ending the moment with anger and denial. If he meant to hurt me, he succeeded. Tears prick my eyes in humiliation as Zayn rushes forward, picking me up from the floor. He spins us around to face Xeno, rage suffusing his features. Fear spikes in my chest. Why did I push them? What have I done?

“Fuck you, Xeno. You prick! Man the fuck up and admit how you feel about Pen. Stop pushing her away when we all know you want her just as badly as the rest of us.”

“You’ve no fucking idea what you’re talking about, Zayn. Shut the fuck up!” he counters, his fingers curling into fists.

“No. I won’t. I’m calling this a motherfucking intervention of Breaker proportions. The time is now,” Zayn throws back.