
“Girl, you look fucking HOT!” Clancy grins as I slide into the cab beside her and River. She’s wearing a skin tight, hot pink PVC mini-dress and platform heels in deep orange to match her hair. Around her neck is a studded dog collar, and her eyes are lined with neon pink liner. Beside her, River is wearing black hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination and a white tank that’s see through and shows off his nipple bar. It takes everything in me not to stare at it. Who knew?

“You two went all out,” I reply, feeling woefully underdressed.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for people exploring their sexuality and dressing to impress, but I’ve never been comfortable in anything more than jeans and t-shirts. This outfit I’m wearing is well out of my comfort zone as it is.

“And you look understatedly beautiful. Seriously, Pen, if York and Zayn don’t drag you into one of those side rooms tonight to fuck your brains out, then there’s something seriously fucking wrong with them.”

My cheeks flame and the cab driver coughs. River and Clancy just laugh. Pulling at the hem of my mid-thigh satin shorts, and wrapping my denim jacket tighter around my body I settle in for the ride. I can’t believe I let Clancy persuade me to wear black stockings and a suspender belt over the top of my shorts. That paired with a fitted and boned black bustier and killer heels, I’m feeling about as comfortable as a pig at a slaughterhouse.

Twenty minutes later we’re inside the club, and I’ve just downed a second glass of champagne courtesy of Clancy’sliberal dadand wishing I’d kept my denim jacket on.

“Girlllll, this place is full of hotties. I don’t even know where to look first,” Clancy says, grinning widely. She’s in her element, and honestly her vivaciousness is a joy to watch. She’s a girl who knows what she wants and doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone else thinks. She epitomises female sexual freedom and girl power. I love her for it.

“I don’t know either.” I laugh nervously, side-eying the beautiful black woman dancing in a cage hanging over the dance floor. She’s naked bar a tiny pair of G-string knickers. Not only is she stunning, she also has some sick dance moves that I file away to try out myself when I get back to the Academy.

“Look at River go!” Clancy points to our friend who is currently sandwiched between a beautiful beefcake of a man with arm muscles bigger than my thighs and a woman that looks like a bloody catwalk model with her willowy figure. When the woman starts kissing River’s neck, I snap my gaze away. Clancy, however, is salivating, unable to take her eyes off the trio.

“River did not tell me he swung both ways, the secretive fuck.”

“You like him?” I ask, noticing the flare of jealousy across her features.

She flicks her gaze to meet mine. “Yeah. I do.”

“Then, go get him, tiger.” I wink.

She doesn’t need to be told twice.

I watch as she strides onto the dancefloor, her hips swaying provocatively. The sensual lighting and the sultry music all adding to her sex appeal. Clancy is hot with a capital H.

When she reaches the trio, she taps the woman on the shoulder and whispers something in her ear. The woman smiles and steps away, allowing Clancy to take her place. River is currently tongue-fucking the man, but when Clancy grips his hips and hooks her leg over his waist, grinding against his arse, River pulls back, and turns his head to the side. There’s a moment of surprise when he looks down at her, but then he smiles and grasps her thigh, before flipping around to face her.

When they start to kiss, I drag my gaze away and look about the club. Apart from the half-naked dancers and hidden rooms to the side of the dancefloor, this is like any other exclusive club and not nearly as shocking as I was expecting it to be. If there is a lot of sex going on, it’s not in your face, that’s for sure.

Lifting my hand, I motion for the barman and request another glass of champagne. He passes me the delicious drink and I knock it back in one long gulp, then I start to sway my hips to the beat of the song that starts to play. It’sDance With A Strangerby Sam Smith.

“I love this song,” I say to no one in particular.

With alcohol running through my veins and music flooding my senses, I stride into the centre of the dance floor and dance like no one’s watching. Heat from the crowd permeates my skin, which is soon flushing with warmth. Around me people are dancing closely, grinding their hips into one another. There’s a lot of kissing going on, but rather than feel embarrassed to be dancing on my own, I embrace it. Across the dancefloor I notice River, Clancy, and the couple he was dancing with enter a side room. Clancy hesitates on the threshold of the door and turns looking through the crowd. When she spots me she gives me a small smile and a wave. I nod.

“I’m okay. Go!” I mouth.

She winks then closes the door behind her.

Pulling out my mobile I fire off a quick message.

Me: Have fun. I’ll make my own way home.

She sends back a smiling emoji with several hearts.

Throwing my arms up in the air, I close my eyes and sway my hips from side to side, feeling tipsy and carefree. When hands wrap around my waist, and a warm kiss drops to my naked shoulder, I stiffen momentarily.

“Relax, Titch. It’s just me,” York says, his voice gravelly and filled with undeniable lust.

I twist my head to the side, arching my neck back to look up at him. He grins, his ice-blue eyes pop even more than they usually do.