“Yes, that’s right,” I say, giving him a once-over. He’s dressed exactly like an upmarket bouncer would be in a smart suit and shiny shoes.

“Just this way,” he says, opening the door to the pawn shop. A bell tinkles overhead and an attractive blonde woman, wearing a tight fitting silver dress, stands up from behind a counter at the back of the store as I enter.

“Shit, I didn’t see you there,” I say, holding my hand over my heart.

“Good evening, what are you looking to purchase this evening?” she asks me when I reach her.

“Purchase?” I look around the store. “Are you for real?”

“Yes.” She taps her long manicured nails on the glass cabinet in front of her and I’m drawn to what’s sparkling beneath her fingers. Diamonds. Well, in this case I reckon they’re nothing more than cubic zirconia, still, I understand her well enough. “What are you looking to purchase this evening?” she asks again.


She smiles, her red painted lips pulling wide over her straight white teeth. “Welcome toJewels.Through here, please,” she says, her hand disappearing beneath the cabinet. A second later a door markedstoreroomswings open and I’m stepping into the entrance of a club with a topless man and a scantily clad woman dancing on two platforms on either side of a reception area where a perfectly coiffed gentleman stands. There’s marble flooring beneath my feet and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. A wide circular staircase leads upwards and there’s a floor to ceiling red curtain pulled closed directly opposite me. The deep sound of a familiar voice singing draws my attention towards whatever lies beyond the curtain. “Is that Rag‘n’Bone Man?” I ask no one in particular.

“Indeed it is,” the man standing behind the reception desk answers. He’s handsome in a silver fox kind of way. “My name is Jasper. May I take your name please?”

“Holy fuck,” I mumble under my breath, catching my reflection in the mirror behind Jasper. I look as far out of my comfort zone as I feel. Shit, maybe I should have worn Clancy’s Louboutin stilettos. Too fucking late now. I roll my shoulders and run my fingers through my hair. If I can handle myself in a club full of criminals, then I can deal with the type of clientele that must attend an exclusive club like this. This is a club for the rich and likely famous, a far cry from the street kids and criminals that attend Rocks or Grim’s club.

“Miss, your name?” Jasper repeats.



“Oh, you want my full name. It’s Pen Scott,” I tell him, biting down on my inner cheek.

“Ah, yes, Mr Bernard has been expecting you. Please follow me,” he says, stepping out from behind the desk and walking towards the curtain. He pulls it aside with a smile, revealing another large room filled with people dining at tables with cut glass champagne glasses and sparkling silverware. In front of the dozen or so tables is a dance floor, and behind that a stage upon which Rag‘n’Bone Man aka Rory Graham sits. He’s currently singingHumanand I swear to fuck the hair on my arms rises at the velvet smoothness of his sexy-arse voice.

Zayn wasn’t kidding when he said that this was an exclusive club if they’ve got Rory Graham singing here tonight. He’s one of my favourite artists and I’m a little starstruck, honestly.

“This way please,” Jasper says, weaving through the tables until we reach the one closest to the stage. Rory looks over at us passing through the other diners and smiles. Fortunately for me, I maintain a modicum of decorum and smile shyly back, my cheeks blazing when he winks.

Just wait until Clancy hears about this, she’ll shit a brick.


Too distracted by Rory, I bump into Zayn as he stands up from his seat at the table. He grins widely at me, looking suave in a beautifully cut grey suit and black shirt. His hair is slicked back and he’s cleanly shaven. My mouth drops open then closes again as I take my fill of him. He’s so beautiful.

“This place is insane,” I say, smiling at Jasper who pulls out my chair for me. Zayn grins, sitting down beside me.

“It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?” he agrees.

“What would you like to drink, Miss Scott?” Jasper asks, beckoning over a waiter who seems to appear out of nowhere.


“Pen would like a glass of the finest champagne you have,” Zayn says for me. He gives me a look asking if that’s okay.

“Sure, that’d be great,” I offer, not really minding what I drink so long as it takes the edge off my nerves. I’m feeling well out of my comfort zone. I’m sure I just spotted Adele sitting in the far corner of the club chatting to some guy. If she gets up and sings, I might just have a coronary.

“Perfect,” Jasper responds with a nod to the waiter who leaves to get my order. “I have taken the liberty of requesting the rump steak, Sir. Chef ordered it in especially.”

“Good choice, Jasper, thank you.” Zayn gives him a quick smile and a nod of the head and Jasper gets the hint, leaving us to talk in private.

“So you know some pretty cool people,” I say, focusing my attention back on Zayn who sits back in his seat and smiles languidly. He looks relaxed, real relaxed, like he owns the place. It only makes me more intrigued as to how a kid from a Hackney estate who spent most of his time getting into trouble, ended up being friends with people rich enough to own such an establishment.

“I know a lot of people, Pen, but not one of them is as special to me as you are.” His gaze softens, and I don’t know if it’s the soft lighting, the sensual atmosphere, or the sound of Rag‘n’Bone Man singing, but I swear to fuck actual stars shine in Zayn’s night-time eyes.